Great post! Definitely worth a follow, you have taken the red pill and you can clearly see what is going on by following basic logic and numbers.... where there is an imbalance of power between the government and the people , there will always be money manipulation, corruption, greed & oppression. The more laws that are made the more control they have over us. Finally crypto currency should remind them that the power could soon potentially change (to a certain degree)
The war on drugs is an absolute joke. Even on psychedelics! The one thing they haven’t got full control of is our conscience and even then they ban dmt and magic mushrooms (I live in the 🇬🇧 UK) And they want control over the way we can think!
I’ve never tried these drugs i Just have a passion for weed (also attached with plenty of fines) and anyone who wants to explore THEIR OWN MIND.
Governments nowadays are an absolute disgrace and they know it! I just can’t grasp the idea of a government putting out so many charges on so many different things. Anything to do with absolutely anything will have a law attached to it that always leads to one ending..... fine... fine ..., penalty .... money.... fine.... court fees .... fine ... fine.
Sounds like it’s time to take a ride on the psychedelic mind expander! Be safe, relax & enjoy the ride !