While lawmakers in various regions have repeatedly shown to be in favor of seeking to waste time investigating the effects of cannabis oil, before respecting the natural right of people to access it, many families and individuals continue to suffer because of the war on drugs that the state maintains.
For cannabis oil specifically, many families have started using this to help their children seek remedy from their epileptic seizures, even though you might still find many medical professionals today who declare that cannabis offers no medicinal value.
For some families who have medicated with cannabis oil, either the parents or the child, they've seen dramatic consequences for their actions. Some have even had their children removed from their care over those actions, for trying to find healing with a controversial but natural substance.

Families and individuals just want to consume cannabis oil in peace.
Galloway doesn't want the medication to be confiscated if she returns home but she understandably misses her family living back in Scotland and wants to see them again.
No individual should have to uproot their entire life just to be able to peacefully consume cannabis. To move away from friends they have known their entire lives, their neighborhoods, and families, all because some people have an issue with a plant. How many more children and families will have to suffer while state supporters and lawmakers continue to insist that they have a right to tell people what they can or cannot consume.
Pic1 via metroxmd
Pic2 Julia Galloway via BBC

Such a shame that Scotland is so anti cannabis. Probably will take a decade to see Scotland ease up on the herb
I don't know where all these. Negative stigmas come from. Cannabis never hurt anyone!!
I really feel for this mum who is only trying to do her best for her little girl. Why oh why can't the medical world cannot see the benefit of cannabis oil?
Right? When it clearly helps... It should be criminal for a government to deny access...
It's splendid not just clean!
The best medicine for so many ailments
They don't want us making medicine with plants, they have plans for the future of "cannabis". I mention it briefly at 9 minutes into my new video.
the brain was is done, the war is over, the non-beliver of the sates are stigmatized and silenced.food and drugs Compagnies are above the law. I can't see any scenario where profits are less important than life.The only thing we can do is try to survive this madness.thanks for sharing and this depressing enlightenment.