Veterans Say Access To Cannabis Has Been A Life-Changer

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Veterans have increasingly been turning to cannabis in an effort to seek remedy from a variety of ailments, whether it be PTSD, depression, or some other form of illness.

It's clear that for many veterans today, cannabis has drastically changed their lives and provided them an alternative route for treatment.

Many have credited cannabis with helping them to stop their use of a myriad of other potentially harmful medications. As well, there are thousands of veterans who have been very active in pushing for lawful access to cannabis so that they wouldn't have to risk being treated as a criminal and locked in a cage like an animal, for simply trying to medicate with a natural substance in an effort to improve their quality of life.

To date, there are hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been diagnosed with PTSD. It's been estimated that there are almost 1 million disability cases active today; related to veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Previous research has suggested that for those who do suffer from PTSD but who do not medicate with cannabis, that they might be much more likely to suffer from suicidal thoughts and depression.

Scientists have previously suggested that cannabis might truly be a game-changer in helping many people to battle anxiety, depression, PTSD, to overcome their addictions, and much more.

In Minnesota, some veterans there say that lawful access to cannabis has changed their lives for the better. One investigation that was conducted by the Minnesota Health Department found that roughly 40 percent of those who were using cannabis had reported seeing some symptom relief from it.

Not everyone is thrilled about the growing market for cannabis of course. There are many people out there who will always prefer to have the state legislate morality in this circumstance and try to prevent people from having the freedom to consume this natural substance. No doubt there are many people today who would be truly suffering greatly if it weren't for them having access to cannabis, and it doesn't promote safety or security for them when they need to risk being subjected to arbitrary violence because they are trying to reduce discomfort and live a quality life.

pic 1- Gordon Swanson via Shutterstock

The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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I do not understand how there can be people who oppose medicinal cannabis, many people with conditions found solutions to their ailments in this product

I wish you a great day Thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for letting us know this news

It's only a matter of time before medical and recreation cannabis become the norm. Although I have heard person reports of an up take in accidents and higher drug use in areas where cannabis can be legally bought and used.

i've seen reports on the opposite

I have been a supporter of medical use probably because I enjoy recreational use so much. I am REALLY liking that collection of links and scientific/editorial info and will hit each of them to learn the real reasons medical use should be supported.

Great article again bud!

y not support all use👍 and let folks decide for themselves :)

Meanwhile in the Philippines... “marijuana can lead to heart attack”, like really???

LOL! it's insane.. it really is

I’m completely for the legalization of cannabis, @doitvoluntarily, and I’m sure it has many very useful medical properties, but smoking it cannot remedy anything. It can only relieve until the event of real treatment.

I'm very grateful that Canada is legalizing cannabis for recreational use which should reduce the stigma around medicinal usage. The whole war against marijuana use is really perplexing. I just wonder why it took this long to see that controlled use can have many benefits... plus it's a great way to relieve stress compared to drinking. Hopefully other countries recognize the medical benefits as well as the taxing potential and follow suit.

And the gross feds are still getting in the way 😡

Cannabis is medicinal and if you let it live among people without having to hide it, you can get the cure for many diseases

It's perfectly legal if you're wearing a uniform to kick down peoples doors, scare the shit out of people, point guns at peoples heads, separate families, shoot pets, shoot people, blow people up. All that's perfectly legal but don't you dare try to grow or smoke a plant because you're a criminal and should be locked up if you do.

utopia , you see :)

wow...i hope one day it will be legalise....

Less than a month until it is legal here!