The American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) is an association that represents over 89,000 veterinarians who are working around the US.
Those veterinarians can be working in a variety of settings, such as an academia setting, government, corporate practice, or private etc. The association admittedly lobbies for what it believes to be animal-friendly legislation and now that includes making the move to endorse the rescheduling of cannabis in the US.
Last month, the AMVA allegedly approved a resolution that seeks to explore how to advocate for the rescheduling of cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule II substance.

AVMA members have signaled their interest to have policies drafted surrounding the use of cannabis as a treatment for animals and this really reflects the strength of the market and the interest that is growing in this area.
Cannabis isn't only for humans, as there are many pet owners out there now who are using it for their cats and dogs as well. Many pet-specific cannabis companies have sprung-up as a result, most of them selling CBD pet products.
Members of the AMVA have said that they have concerns over seeing an increase in toxicity cases for animals who have consumed cannabis and this is why they say they are pushing for more research to be done. Although it isn't considered a mainstream treatment yet for animals, there are a growing number of veterinarians who are interested in the possible benefits and the role that it could play in animal healthcare.

Because of the scheduling of cannabis as a Schedule I substance, it's difficult for research to be conducted and so that is why they are pushing for it to be regarded as a Schedule II substance; examples of substances on that list are things like codeine, morphine, opium, and oxy.
One main difference between those substances on the Schedule I list and those on Schedule II is that those on the latter are recognized for having currently accepted medical use in the country.
The AMVA is going to be looking to network with research organizations to push for the move to reschedule cannabis and it's something that others in the country have been pushing for as well. Along with efforts that call for legalization and/or decriminalization; people overwhelmingly seem to want the criminalization to come to an end.

Family pet via familypet.com/marijuana-pets/
Clipart panda via clipartpanda.com/categories/medication-clipart
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Good first step. Best to do away with all "schedules".
There's no such thing as a "controlled substance" -- the substance just sits there. What they mean when they use that term is that we are "controlled humans".
How can one group of people deny the use of matter from another group of people?
It's madness.
Well said. Decriminalize. No need for more legislation or bureaucracy.
It is madness.
Great post. This would allow more innovation, more companies like GW Pharma would surface who are helping sick children with their R&D efforts.
Cannabis oil is being used to treat everything from cancer to hip displaysia in pets. It needs be legalized. Seriously. Tobacco is addictive and kills-it's legal. I've never heard of a death by cannabis!
Yes! Legalize it all! Dogs should be able to get high too!
But really... the medical benefits are enormous, get these crazy laws out of here.
Just get it over with already. But no, we have to have veterinarians say it's ok ? Who's next the Dentists and or the Cable Guy, Just do it already.
Are we talking about pot puppies here?

love this pic.
Heh,heh..that is hilarious.
I wouldn't try to pinch a nug from that sack. No sir.
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As I understand it, the main problem with rescheduling resides in the result being only the major pharma companies will be allowed to produce for the consumer market. Personally, I think it needs to be removed from the schedule altogether.
Rick Simpson of RSO fame works extensively with pets because more people are willing to try it on their animals.
Canna biscuits? All dogs will be in heaven.
Little by little, closer to full legal
This. Yes! ^_^
Good post :) follow
Our animal friends are more then pets! They are part of the family... This is Awesome!!! Cannabis should fall under the same laws as alcohol across the board/ Same rules apply! LEGALIZE It NOW...
Cannabis has so many medical benefits and it should be legalized to do more research and promote it.
This would be really huge. My moms dog has severe separation anxiety and she was considering giving him puppy prozac because it was so bad. She ended up getting some other calming stuff for him from Petco. My fiance and I had gotten him some doggy treats to help calm him down one day just to see if it would work. I wanted to know before suggesting to my very christian mother to give the dog weed. Honestly if you love your pets why would you want to poison them with medications. This is natural and effective and your fur baby just thinks they're getting yummy treats for being amazing.
This is a must! To continue putting marijuana under schedule 1 substance is just wrong! sched 1 substance do not have accepted medical use while marijuana has!! Please read my post about the brief history of marijuana use , thanks
Thanks for sharingGreat topic @doitvoluntarily
I am developing a raw cannabis, high CBDa, high THCa anti-inflammatory pain relief formula for all mammals.
I'd be interested to know more about it!
let it grow!
Full 100% and resteemed :-)
Best greetings from @welovesteemit ( @charles-d and @lichtblick )
The problem with half measures like rescheduling and decriminilization still leaves the federal government in control.
If we were to follow Black's Law, the entire federal government should be declared nul and void, from the shameless lies and political corruption which surrounds the war on drug failure.
It is just wrong to continue putting cannabis under schedule 1 category, so wrong!
hallo good day my brother ... your post is really interesting ... i am very grateful and hope brother want to stop by to my post and give me a little upvote and I will upvote n follow u brother .. god bless u .. greating from aceh regard @ academix87
Excellent post.
CBD has been a major life-saver for my household, in a literal sense. We are so fortunate to live in Colorado and hope for a day where it is as easy for others to obtain safe medicine for people and companion animals.
It is time for a world where all beings are being encouraged to thrive, for once!