Will Indiana Be Next To Legalize Cannabis?

in #cannabis7 years ago

Indiana still considers cannabis today to be a Schedule 1 controlled substance and this means that the substance is criminalized throughout the state and there will be a penalty for anyone who is found in possession of this plant. Until now, lawmakers in Indiana haven't been ready to allow lawful access to cannabis for either recreational or medicinal purposes.

That could change soon though, lawmakers have reportedly been considering legislation changes that would establish a cannabis market.

Cannabis advocates in the state have been busy organizing and trying to pressure their government to make changes. Those in favor of change believe that people in Indiana should be free to do what they want with their body; having the freedom to consume cannabis.

The group of cannabis advocates who are pushing for change is made up of patients, veterans, and many others. They are tired of the ongoing fight against this plant, it's too costly, it's not working, and it's wildly unnecessary.

After seeing the success of legalization in other areas such as Colorado, some Indiana lawmakers now see the benefits that they too could potentially reap.

Indiana state rep. Jim Lucas recently admitted that medical cannabis was right for the state. Cannabis is commonly referred to as a gateway drug, to which Lucas admits that it is, he says that it opens the door to a better-quality life.

Lucas is looking to sponsor a cannabis bill in the upcoming session that will make changes to bring about a legal cannabis market for the state.

Why should people have to suffer because of the ignorance that others hold on the benefits of this plant?

Officials in the state are expected to conduct a summer study to look into the prospect of endorsing cannabis legalization for the state. There aren't any concrete dates yet however that have been set.

The war on drugs hurts countless people not only by withholding something that might be able to help people and raise their standard of living, but also by initiating violence against peaceful people. It's tyrannical for the government to continue insisting that there isn't any medicinal value that can be reaped from cannabis, and to refuse to respect the natural rights of people to ingest, grow, or trade this plant etc.

One other state lawmaker, Rep. Sue Errington, who is working along with Lucas to try and see the bill through, suggests that voters need to get more vocal with their representatives, which is something that they have been doing.

Errington has insisted that this is when lawmakers will start to listen and start to make changes. But those lawmakers shouldn't need to be repeatedly told to stand up for the freedom of the people they supposedly represent.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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I live in California, and it's all legal here! :)

It should be legal everywhere!...:)...

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Maybe they should legalized it.

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Hello how are you? I've seen news about it, legalize it or not people use it, the benefits of legalizing it that everyone will have access, as long as it's for medicine, the bad of legalizing

wuao Indiana de verdad que se ha tardado en legalizar el consumo de cannabis ya que es un producto medicinal y muchas personas lo usan para tener una mejor calidad de vida, yo tengo un conocido que lo consume para el dolor de cáncer y el ha funcionado muy bien, ojala y tomen la decisión rápido que las personas que lo necesitan se van agradecer

Thank you very much for sharing this information
I wish you a great day@doitvoluntarily it is good to see how slowly the states are taking part in the legalization of cannabis, the health of many people depend on it, it is true what you say "Why people should suffer due to the ignorance others have about the benefits of this plant? "

Good = Respecting and protecting innocent life.
Evil = Hurting, oppressing, or killing, for fun or for profit.

Cannabis isn't evil.
Cannabis being criminalized is evil.

Its great to see that at least legislators are getting their act together. Cannabis legalization is like crypto - its bound to happen worldwide. The choice is theirs - either they can do it grudgingly and throw a tantrum or they can be graceful about.

They have miserably failed to stop substance abuse in the past, the fact remains that people are people and they will do pretty much anything. All this mess is just going to be a problem for those who actually require it not just recreationally but medically.

But I think if people are not making enough noise about it, then it won't happen anytime soon...

I think it would not be bad if they legalized it, if it's like the die that is a plant that helps a lot, the benefit should be had by all. it is my opinion.