Backyard Cannabis Farming Episode 3: Stress Training to Create Additional Tops + Harvesting Blackberries!!

in #cannabis6 years ago


In today's episode I demonstrate how I stress train my plants, to allow more light to get to the smaller stems in the middle of each plant, so they can more easily reach the light to grow upward, and as a result, create at least one more top.


I also show how my stunted plant finally started growing, how I used bamboo for structural support in the wind, how and where I moved the pots, as well as showing off our blooming backyard blackberry bush, that currently has ripe and delicious fruit that I have been snacking on, and using as a fresh ingredient in my smoothies.


Here is the series so far:

Click here for Episode 1: Organic Pest Control, Nutrients, & Plant Placement

Click here for Episode 2: The Importance of Topping

Please enjoy today's episode, and hopefully some of you learn something about growing cannabis effectively and organically. Click pic below to play:

Backyard Cannabis Farming: Episode 3

Blessing everyone & stay tuned - into the right frequencies







PLEASE CLICK HERE to view my blog with all my recent articles on cannabis, silver, Steemit, contests, cryptos, underground conscious Hip-Hop, healthy living, festivals, my collections, and MY STEEMIT STORIES! & have a BLESSED DAY!!


Hey Friend. Don't mean to be spamming, but I'm desperate to get this message out and expose the sociopath that wants to destroy my life. I hope you don't mind. If you do, I will delete it:

Usually I would consider this spam, but not this time. This is the type of thing we all need to stop, we are here for you bro.

I know... it is against my ethic, but I thought we should support each other in this fight. I want to make it as public as possible.

thanks so much! :)

No problem homie, I really respect your lifestyle and strength through all of this.

Ossmm photography bro

Thanc u cer.

Nice plants! Wish I could grow mine outside. Still stuck indoors, but hoping to greenhouse within the next year. Best of luck from BC!

If you do greenhouse outside, strongly consider light dep/supplemental lighting.

Nice.. basically the problem is the solution, kind of. The plants arw big enough that the cat doing it's thing doesn't matter too much anymore?

Hey maybe that plant is big like that because of the cat shit 🤔, possible?

Ok going to work now, I'll watch the rest later

Haha, no cat poop isn't the best thing to have in your soil, other types of manure sure. I started spreading egg shells in the dirt and eventually she got tired of it irritating her paws so she found another spot... success.

Ah that's such a good idea .. she got sick of it, ha! I'll keep that in mind. I know it works for slugs in a garden

Yes absolutely, it keeps away slugs and a few other types of critters as well.