We will be planting our garden throughout the next few days. Before we do, I want to give out some cloning tips that I use.
Cloning is a delicate art form, and requires concentration and accuracy. The best time to take a clone is when your mother plant is ready to be topped. Cloning the top yields by far the best results, but if you are planning on growing more than just a few plants, then it will be necessary to select favorable offshoots to cut for clones as well. The key is to select shoots that are strong and show no signs of struggle.
It is preferred to clone from a mother that has also not reverted, however that is not always possible due to time and financial constraints. There is not anything wrong with cloning from reverts necessarily, it is just not the "normal" way to grow. (A reverted plant is one that was in flower and then was reverted purposely back into veg., usually showing 3 finger leaves instead of 5 or 7).
You always want to cut a little below the node where the branch splits so you can have a little room to work with for the next step. After taking each cut, you will want to take a razor blade to the single long part of the clone underneath where the node splits. Cut at a STEEP angle so that you split the "skin" off the base of the clone in sections as you spin it (usually 4-5 split cuts). You peel it sort of like you would skin on a grape. This step allows the root system to establish quickly, effectively, and prominently, and in my opinion is the most important step that many growers skip. Developing the root system at the clone stage will maximize plant size and ultimately your final yield.
Next you are going to want to soak your freshly peeled clone stems into a small shot glass of cloning solution. This is the product we currently use (pictured below).

After a several minute stem soak, you are then going to want to transfer your clones into your cloning tray. You can find these trays at any home depot or hydroponics store.
After the clones are in the tray, set up a small fan, turn on your T-5 light and let those baby girls develop. After the roots systems start looking like long intricate spider webs (usually about a week or two), then they are ready to be transplanted into a 1 gal bucket or in the ground. If growing outdoors, growing in the ground from either a 1 gal bucket or strait from clone will always yield the best. Transplanting from anything bigger than a 1 gal bucket into the ground yields smaller plants for some reason. We have tested this theory many times.
Of course you can always plant in pots, but no matter how big your final pot, it will never allow for the same amount of root growth as the Earth will. If you are forced to grow in pots, it still helps your yield if you transplant directly from clone or a 1 gal bucket into your final "big" pot (whatever your final pot size may be 50 gal, 100 gal, 500 gal). You will get a lower yield if you transplant in stages (like starting in a 1 gal then to a 3 gal, then to a 10 gal, etc. It is better just to go from 1 gal strait to your 100 gal, or whatever the final pot size will be).
I hope this post has been helpful to any potential growers that are still cloning and about to plant their garden. Comment below if you have any questions about this process. Blessings my people, & stay tuned - into the right frequencies.

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This post has been helpful to any potential growers
Don't forget to enter my Weed Wings contest. I just updated the bottom of this post with entry details. The contest is still active. Blessings!
I once saw on youtube a guy, who did a test with and without cloning gel. There was zero difference. I find that interesting. I hope one day i can do the test myself :)
Still cool post. Decent clones are so nice to work with. And cutting then yourself saves a lot of trouble.
Good day there.
Yes some products are ineffective, I only use this type.
Nice set-up! I would love a garden like this. For now, I'll be content with my veggies. 😁
Nothing wrong with veggies. I grow those too!
Indeed, but a cannabis garden (in addition) would be supreme!
No doubt.
Nice write up! I don't mean to spam you, but I also just wrote about cloning earlier today. I never had the best luck with clonex, so I found this method and I haven't turned back. But to each their own :)
That method looks interesting. I have had great results with Clonex so far, but your method may be just as effective. I wonder why Clonex works for me and not for you. Are you splicing out the bases like I described?
I cut them at 45 degrees and then made one splice to separate the bottom part into two, if that makes sense. I'm guessing I just was impatient after a week and not seeing anything come out, or I didn't do it right. But I haven't been let down yet on this method so I can't complain.
I can't say I have ever seen an AC unit in a grow like that before...does your light system really put out that much heat where you need the AC?
lol, the placement of the AC unit is just a coincidence. We don't use that AC anymore, we have a different one on the other side of the room.