I'm detoxed from THC, only using CBD (and it's been good to me)

in #cannabis3 years ago (edited)

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For me and maybe others like me, prolonged THC use can be less fun than predicted. I do have a plan to overcome my disability one day and prove to the government that I'm ready for active duty military service again. Now for fellow veterans and supporters of our community this kind of sounds asinine. But in my mind, it's the quickest way into the secrets of this world.

I've been diagnosed with PTSD. With my personal experience regarding cannabis products, THC did help me for the first few years from suffering from this. Then as the years went by I became more depressed. Being in an altered state of mind reverts the player (you and I , the users) into 'fight or flight' mode. Sedition under any substance keeps you in this survival mode. I guess it's true what they say, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

I've extremely slowed down on drinking as well, especially when I switched it out for being high. But even now, while enjoying life with a clear mind I feel like I want to keep this part of myself going.

Now in no means am I'm saying that THC is bad for you, it's not. What I'm saying is please regulate yourself. You're future self will thank you for the discipline practiced. Now that I'm only using CBD products, I can have a good taste of recovery while still being able to think faster than my common peer. Being clear minded gives me the edge necessary to succeed in a world where so many believe that substances will solve all of their problems.

My view point is this, THC is like a pain pill. Who would want to be on that for the rest of their life? Those in physical or mental pain who need to use less of their mind would. But those in a position to use their mind could benefit from less use of THC and more use of CBD.

CBD is a daily task to take, similar to consuming the proper vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. You won't see the effects right away but be certain that the benefit will flourish.

But at the end of the day, I'm just my own study case :)

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