I'll start by saying I like science.
That said I don't think humans have a clue how messing with the genomes of everything they touch will pan out in the long run. We haven't been doing it with an honest look at the results long enough. Most of our studies are funded by the companies that are trying to gain monopoly on everything including water, on the planet.
The human body is getting all sorts of screwed up. We can find a million and one reasons why that is. But if you think of this, the human body, much like other things in nature is a self healing organism for the most part. It has evolved over a long period of time (I'm not talking darwin, just observation as best we can at this time...)and adapted to using many things in the environment to stay healthy. Our gut is made up of colonies of things that have adapted to what we found growing in nature. Things that use many various components of plants and other things we may take into our bodies in specific ways to produce healthy cells. The big corporate scientists know this. And over the past 50 to 75 years our diets have changed at a much faster pace than would likely have allowed our bodies to have adjusted properly. Most humans in "developed" countries with the most scientific advances have ruined gut linings and immune systems.
What, billions of years of evolution of the bacteria and so forth in your gut learning as intelligent organisms to work in a certain way, and virtually overnight it changes.
With responsible science I can see some argument for GMO-- sometimes. Overall, I think the need for doing so has been engineered as part of a long term plan. I feel we have plenty of proof that when the govts and big corporations want to do something they say "Sometimes you have to start a fire to sell a bucket of water!" ~ Catherine De Medici in Reign.
The most easily controlled populations are the ill and uninformed populations. So I think we have a lot more learning to do with respect to our relationship to this place where we live and how we effect nature. ✌️
Very well said. Definitely will be following you! But I’m on the understanding that the chemical in weed killer is what is killing benificial bacteria in the gut.
Assuming they are not intentionally trying to kill/sicken people with each genetic modification (which I don't assume because it depends on who's paying them) ...the gut has not been digesting fish/tomatoes for all of the time it's been evloving, so there is no way for us to know how that effects health yet. I've been really busy with things around here, but I do plan on making some informative posts about these types of topics based upon what I've learned over the years of rebuilding my own health and having them be as well sourced as possible so if you follow me you would be able to see those when I get them posted. It will be hopefully in the next month, as those will be in depth and take some time.
I was very sick for a long time and have thankfully been able to (over a few years) get it straightened out, most of it without the help of doctors who could not tell me what was wrong and just continued to send bills... So I want to help others who may know someone who is, or may be themselves in a similar situation. Or maybe help people not wind up in the condition I was in. Dietary change was probably the biggest factor in my turn around. (Yes I still eat some things I shouldn't but for a while I could not. :)
There is a lot that I don't know, but I have been forced to learn so much through personal experiences, so I'm just trying to share what I feel I have gotten a handle on. :) If you are interested I'd be happy to have you on board! :)
I completely missed this comment here! And I thought that @ginabot was a perfect messenger :)