sad... losing 2 steemians.

in #cannabis7 years ago

@powpow420 and his wife can't keep going on Steemit. Health issues and needing to chase 2 kids. I totally understand.

But had they been able to afford Rock Simpson Oil that would be able to relieve some of the pain his wife is having.

I wish they could stay but i know the needs of taking scare of yourself.

If me and dog wasn't living in a van and had my garden I wouldn't have a issue.

I do have a quart jar of tincture I'm offering to help them.

Any continued support and love is always needed.

I always take extra time to help people especially veterans.

Thanks to all of you they are getting way more votes and attention. The exposure has been amazing.

Hoping he will get auto-vote set up and claim rewards and just let things roll.

Well hope to help but wishing I could do more!


we feel foolish for feeling sad about “losing” something we didn't like very much, to begin with. Ao, It so Bad News. And I'm done follow you @ganjafarmer Because you posting always Informative post

That makes no sense..

This guy is really on one. Lol.

If I have extra extracts, I'd be happy to give them to someone that needs it!

Please contact @powpow420 and your welcome to this week's steemitsmokeout!