Upcoming storm. Things really suck right now.

in #cannabislast month


Well we look like we're going to have an absolutely amazing storm that's going to last for a few days and cause a massive amount of havoc.

Of course we are sitting right in the middle of this living in the back of a truck all set up for summer camping. In the middle of winter. Oh wow does this really suck.

Well I got a phone call today from somebody trying to offer help and I go over to the tiny home village and that ended up going from me getting housing to meet getting on a list for their housing.. so they have no idea. However it's a specially not today and from the sounds good there is a huge long list of people trying to get in to these tiny homes.

All right possibly I'm looking at several months before I get housing help. I mean it's been 7 or 8 years that I've been asking for help.

And now of course they are also telling me that they don't have any records and supposedly my caseworker discharged me after years of having me as client.

Oh wow so I had an interview and was supposed to get help and now I'm getting rerouted to a different person who is apparently now supposed to be my new case manager since my previous case manager completely lied to me about however thing works. So we are looking at multiple ways to years of asking for help... And being forgotten.

Wow. Insane.

This is incredible. Apparently they didn't tell me a big huge pile of things like I have to call in every single week. I've got to jump through all these mystery hoops that I was told that my case manager was taken care of all of this for me.

Also apparently I am apparently at the beginning of all the waitlists. Yep I've got to sign up for everything like this is day one. Not that I've had years of asking for help. I was told to check in when I got a call from my case manager and not to bug them because they have a huge load of people.

Which I've helped them take care of others over and over. Which some of those individuals are back to smoking foil and were part of the crowd that I was dealing with earlier this week.

Absolutely incredible.

Really don't know what to do.

Oh yeah and because I have medical cannabis that I rely on... Oh that excludes me from everything. Wow.


I loathe this system, and I think it is about time We do all We can in avidly sharing with Others a solution to the moneyed mess We're entrapped within, with Most in poverty on a planet that is Ours, with psychopaths in control creating the mess, with Our wealth held from Us and We made slaves for Them...

And so... I press on, sharing:

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/the-end-of-entropy

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths-in-control-now

Yep things should work out here really soon especially if NASA can figure out how to get that asteroid. Then everybody in the world could have a billion dollars worth of commodities

Technically We can now. But We are held back from it by money. Every One of Us is a multimillionaire.

And if NASA gets anything, They are not going to share with the slaves.

I really hope these difficult times on you pass away smoothly for you.

Looking at getting housing soon here. Hopefully