Cannabis Legalization Rally to be held in Annapolis MD February 7th 2018: Let's #LegalizeMD

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

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Cannabis Legalization Rally to be held in Annapolis MD
February 7th 2018:
Why it's time to #LegalizeMD

-01 February 2018

Over 4 years ago, legislation passed in Maryland making Cannabis legal for medicinal use for patients being seen by a qualifying physician. Too bad the patients had to wait until just 2 months ago (12/2017) to finally have safe access to their medicine. In that 4 year period, patients continued to be arrested and fined for being in possession of cannabis DESPITE their patient status. As you see, a lot of work still needs to be done.

On February 7th, anti-prohibition activist groups from Maryland will enter the doors of the Maryland Capitol to lobby on the citizens behalf in support of....

  • Regulation and Legalization of the Adult Use of Cannabis (regulate like alcohol)
  • Legalization of home cultivation for personal use
  • Decriminalization of public consumption

With the political climate being the way it is in Maryland right now and with so many gray areas in the law it is important that officials see how much public support there is for Cannabis legalization in Maryland.

(taken from National Lobby day 2017 in Washington DC) If you have an interest in lobbying you can sign up for FREE at

The public at large in Maryland doesn't think that just having medical access is enough! With over 66% support for legalization statewide why can't we just get this on the ballot? Let's be real here folks. Considering Alcohol & Tobacco are legal for adult use in Maryland, why not Cannabis?! Lets take a look at the stat's for a moment shall we?

  • The National institute on Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism reports 88,000 deaths from alcohol in 2017
  • The Center for Disease Control reportes 480,000 Tobacco related deaths and 33,000 opioid deaths in 2017
  • Death's from Cannabis in the entirety of history: ZERO

Considering those facts alone, as a "free" nation why is it that the government thinks we can handle alcohol & tobacco responsibly as adults but NOT cannabis? They've made the decision to legalize substances that will kill us but demonize a plant that has saved countless amounts of lives? With over 25,000 published medical reports in support of the healing qualities of Cannabis why are we still throwing people in prison for this?!

Did you know? Over 653,000 Americans were incarcerated in 2017 alone for cannabis related "crimes". Far be it for me to pretend I wrote the dictionary but doesn't the word "crime" imply there was physical damage, property damage or a victim involved? It's created a culture where our youth are in fear of the police, the people who are supposed to be there to help. Then once these kids are in fear of the police, the street gangs have the opportunity to "take them in" and "protect them" eventually leading them into a life of legitimate crime.

So is cannabis the gateway drug to a life of crime? Or is the fear of being caught with a plant and spending years of your life behind bars the gateway?

If you are a Maryland resident Please join us and rally in support of legal adult cannabis use. Together we can #LegalizeMD

If you are NOT a Maryland resident, use the comment section and tell us where you're from! Tell us if your state has passed any cannabis laws and if so how has it positively effected your community? It's time we stop living in fear!

-G.I. Mary Jane - Founder, Charm City Cannabis Connoisseurs


Voted sharing and following! From Portland Oregon!
Fight for your right to your medicine!

I heard rumors that you all have a 1 million lb surplus up there! Makes me nervous, could open the door for the rich to get richer and destroy cannabis like they did tobacco

No rumor. Everyone has herb it's great! Come summer it will be flush. That's the goal. Cash in summer drought. And all the I door places opening?

People that quit? Sell it half off. Glut on equipment and fertilizer!

And a war on patients rights....

We will overcome all these things somehow