At Sunset Beach, Vancouver in 2018
Featuring: @medikatie
Some of the @girlsofgreen were working in a dispensary like the usually do. Some had a chill day toking at home with the family. Others attended local parties and events like #420FarmersMarkets. @medikatie and @drutter tried to go to the Vancouver Art Gallery to uphold tradition, but were weak and tired, and the police presence was heavy, covering the entire square.
There will be lots more 4/20 uploads from the girls coming this weekend, so get your dabs and muchies ready! :)
Hempalicious, MediKatie! RESTEEMED :)
Happy 420!
It's too bad the weather wasn't nicer, but it could've been a lot worse. At least we got a few pics when there was a break in the rain :)
I wish I could be in Vancouver on 420 :-) Love this county.
Same.. and the people here. Cool name by the way! Welcome to steemit.
Thank you :-)