Study: Vaporization Offers Attractive Alternative to Smoked Cannabis@nocturnal, Cannabis consumption now includes oral/edible, smoked/combustion, and vaporizing. Many studies are being done at this time. Here's a recent study released just a month ago:
everything in moderation can be a good thing. Abusing good things can be bad.
Zero humans will die from cannabis this year, but 50k people or more will die this year from solely alcohol poisoning. Severe Cannabis "addicts" become moody when they don't use cannabis. Severe Alcoholics can't stop drinking or it will kill them. It is legal to consume alcohol and prescription pills that are prescribed, but in many cases abruptly stopping usage in those with dependency can kill them. Heroin addicts get sick from withdraw; alcohol is one of the only drugs that can kill a human from stopping use. But it's legal, so can't be that bad, right?
Government says cannabis is illegal and has no beneficial use; owns patent for use of non-psychoactive cannabinoids - see patent #6,630,507 on USPTO site 😎
I am all for people formulating their own opinions and I appreciate that we won't all agree. However, cannabis has not killed anyone in 10,000 years of use and there is not one shred of evidence that says otherwise. Not a single one. How long did it take the medical field to learn the adverse affects of alcohol abuse? Oh, that ALL happened after prohibition.. So not long. We can document deaths from alcohol because it actually causes death. The reason it has yet to be documented, even ONCE, for cannabis clearly shows that cannabis itself cannot kill you. I believe it has been found that it would take a human ingesting 1,500lbs of cannabis in 15 minutes to kill them. HA! Eat 100 lbs of McDonalds and that will kill you much faster.
We can agree to disagree, but I side with you in that it should not be prohibited. It is clearly and blatantly NOT prohibited in the best interest of our health; it's the best interest of their wallet. Why else would they buy the "land" to build on later? Thank you for contributing to the conversation / debate. It's a start 😉