Thank you for sharing @openmindedtravel, it really helps to hear someone can benefit from responsible use of cannabis. I feel that many are stuck on the notion that we just want to be "high" and that we are wrong for that. Says the same people eating 2 or 3 Xanax pills and drinking a box of wine every night because they are "stressed" and wish to "unwind". Sure that cocktail combo kills famous celebrities and athletes, but it's legal.
Since when is 'legal' the equivalent to 'righteous'?
I firmly believe that there are many, many productive cannabis users that remain under the radar. People are scared to share that side out of fear; fear of judgement and all types of recourse. Fortunately, the tidal wave of truth is coming and there will be no need to run and hide much longer. Our society is functioning today with many whom are greatly impaired from using alcohol and prescription pills - corporate data shows the costs of this problem that our society stubbornly refuses to acknowledge. Machine operators are going to work high on legal prescriptions, doctors, lawyers, and street dwellers alike. People consume prescription pills without prescriptions every single day. They can do this because there are legal drug dealers functioning under the guise of a Healthcare practitioner - essentially practicing only the art of selling drugs, rather than medicine.
I am all for anything that makes you, I, or anyone else feel better about themselves and allow them to function at a higher level in life. No one can sway me against the positive benefits of cannabis because I've experienced it for myself. Relieved of a drug called Zoloft, I was able to balance myself and distance myself from a drug that made me feel suicidal. That was 20 years ago, at age 12. I maintained a 4.0 gpa in college - consumed cannabis every single day before class. I was able to concentrate and create - something that many of my peers had great trouble doing. Ironically, many of them drank heavily and were on medications like Adderall - a legal, and GREATLY ABUSED Amphetamine!!! I feel absolutely no guilt in saying that I have consumed cannabis for many years and also refuse to give it up to anyone.
Thank you so much for sharing your insight @openmindedtravel, I am happy that you decided to!
Well said! I look forward to following future content from you!