10 tips against a dry mouth through cannabis use

in #cannabis7 years ago


Almost everyone who uses cannabis or cannabis oil has had to deal with it, a dry mouth (say, but dried out). We explained the reason for this phenomenon once before, but now we give you ten tips to get rid of that annoying dry mouth.

A dry mouth due to the use of cannabis is not easy, it turns out to be a biological reaction in the body. It is therefore not only when you smoke cannabis or evaporate, but also when using cannabis oil, you can suffer from it. Fortunately, there are also ways to get rid of that annoying feeling.

1. Sour candies


Sugars are not good for your body in advance, let's say that. Nonetheless, sour candies can be a salvation for a mouth that is too dry due to cannabis use. Salivary glands react differently to different flavors, where acidic flavors release a lot of moisture.

2. Drinking slow water through a straw


A dry mouth is a sign that your body needs moisture. Drinking water through a straw can help in two ways. First, you get water inside, which already works hydrating. But sucking on the straw also stimulates saliva production, and saliva is the most nourishing for the dry mouth. A golden combination!

3. Avoid caffeine: coffee and most tea


Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee (and some tea), can contribute to a dry mouth. Caffeine is a diuretic, that is, it stimulates the production of urine. The substance ensures that the kidneys retain water. The water will not go back into the blood. But is discharged through the urine.

Even if you drink a glass of water after drinking coffee, you may notice that you have to go to the toilet more often and are still dehydrated. Tea contains tannins in addition to some caffeine. These are substances that reduce pores and dry out the skin and physical tissue.

4. Breathe through your nose


If you have a dry mouth, breathing through your nose can prevent your mouth from getting drier. Breathing through the mouth ensures that more fluid can leave the body and worsen the drought. For the best result, look below at tip number 7.

5. Chewing gum


Sugar-free chewing gum is, according to many, the best way to get rid of a dry mouth. Chewing gum with xylitol seems to help to maintain a neutral pH in the mouth. In addition, you get extra saliva production due to the chewing and sucking movements.

6. Avoid alcohol


There are few problems where alcohol is the solution. When it comes to a dry mouth you can already completely forget it with alcohol. Alcohol, like caffeine, is a diuretic and can make a dry mouth worse. Go back to tip 2 and drink some water with a straw.

7. Nasal spray with saline


You can not only get a very dry mouth of cannabis, your nose (s) can dry out. As a result, the drought in the nasal cavities, mouth and throat is aggravated and your taste sensation decreases. A saline solution can hydrate the throat, nose and ears and reduce the dryness in the mouth area. So use a nasal spray with saline solution against that drought.

8. Humidifier


Fight dry mouth and at the same time open your pores? By increasing the humidity, the dryness in your nose and mouth can be reduced by the moisture in the air. For quick lighting, you can place a bowl or washbasin with hot water and hang it with your face above it - be careful, it can be hot! Throw in a little lemon juice or some essential oils and you make a necessary spa treatment a wonderful spa moment.

9. Suck on a lemon slice


Admittedly, it does not have to be a lemon. An orange slice also suffices to stimulate saliva production. Both citrus fruits are not only tasty and refreshing, but also sour. And as you can read at tip number 1, more saliva is created when your mouth detects sour tastes.

10. Small sips of water


If your mouth is extremely dry, it may be nicer to take small nips of water instead of big swallows. Small sips wet your mouth a little bit and that gives your salivary glands time to activate. For the best effect, let the water circulate in your mouth or make some chewing movements before you swallow it.

Good luck