Wondering what and when Cannabis and CBD products will be widely available where you are?
Valens,a Canadian company & a global leader in the production of innovative, cannabinoid-based products have published an info-graphic of their Cannabis & CBD Hemp product distribution plans for 2020.
Being able to buy will depend on the local legal rules, but CBD Hemp products with less than 0.3% THC are legal most everywhere.
Cannabinoids - the 113-plus compounds inside the cannabis plant - are powering the booming marijuana (Mexican word for Cannabis) market
Cannabinoids are the chemicals that give the plant its unique and highly sought after effects. Cannabinoids can reduce inflammation and suppress seizures. They can relieve pain, too.
And of course, at least one cannabinoid - tetrahydrocannabinol - THC for short - is sought after by many recreational cannabis users for its psychoactive effect - it gives them an intoxicating high.
The variety in marijuana's taste and smell comes from yet another compound present in cannabis - TERPENES.
In addition to providing the "weed" aroma, terpenes themselves are proving to have therapeutic qualities of their own.
Terpenes are almost everywhere, in lots of different plants. Even some insects produce them to deter predators.
The sap from a pine tree is a good example, because the distinctive strong smell the sap leaves on your hands and clothes comes from terpenes, particularly α-pinene. It's found in rosemary and dill, too.
If you've ever opened a cedar chest or luxuriated in the heady excitement of a new car's scent, you've smelled terpenes.
The Cannabis plant is a powerful source of natural medicines .The discovery of two new compounds shows we’re just scratching the surface of the cannabis plant’s powers…
The two new compounds are tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) and cannabidiphorol (CBDP).
Challenges arise because of the very low concentrations of these new cannabinoids.
But,it is claimed that adding a carbon atom here or an oxygen atom there, and you change the way the molecule interacts with the human body dramatically.
The possible combinations – represent phenomenal opportunities for medical researchers.
The properties of these compounds are still being researched, but plant chemists think THCP might prove to be 30 times as powerful as THC, without its psychoactive properties.
Learning how these compounds benefit the human body is one thing - figuring out how to maximise those benefits is the exciting challenge which drives and energises plant scientists.
Growing strains of cannabis with higher doses of trace cannabinoids is just one approach.
The unique cannabinoid profiles of these new strains could prove more beneficial for certain conditions, but it’s not nearly as reliable as producing very pure isolated formulations of a particular cannabinoid.
That’s where biosynthesis enters the consideration.
The Powerful Potential of Biosynthesis
Biosynthesis utilises microbes such as yeast to turn their metabolism into tiny cannabinoid factories.
Once the genome of, say, brewer’s yeast has been altered to manufacture CBG instead of alcohol, these trace cannabinoids can be manufactured very economically in vast quantities.
Possibly, looking 10 years down the road, most cannabinoids will be sourced through biosynthesis.
It looks the only way to produce trace cannabinoids and CBD isolates essential for high-quality cannabis-infused edibles economically.
Unlocking the full power of the cannabis plant opens the door to many more therapeutic solutions.

Cannabis – CBD Hemp – Nature’s NHS – Natural Health Source!
Images credit - The Valens Company.Canada.
In times like this, I'm open to learning about anything that can make us more healthy. We have CBD products available here, but cannabis itself is still illegal. I'm open to trying natural things which could be good for my health.
I'm very glad to hear that you are okay! You've been through other tough times and its true that these things can bring out the best in some people as we all try to work together. Stay safe and healthy!
Hi kenny.Good to hear. Extraordinary times!! Prime Minister Johnson painted a very gloomy and chilling picture of the challenge we all face.The opposite mood to the upbeat one of the South Korean leader on Sunday who said the reducing daily numbers of cases there were cautiously encouraging.
We have been told for sometime that we are on the cusp of the Artificial Intelligence age with most work done by Robots,so must prepare to find occupational pursuits from home.
I think history will look back on this crisis as hastening that change.
I am sufficiently encouraged by the good feeling I get from the CBD coffee I've been drinking to keep re-ordering,whether it will help with a defence against this plague,time will tell?
Cheers. Ivor.