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RE: Cannabis Plants from Harbor Collective & Desert Rose Nursery flowering in San Diego, Ca Summer sunlight! + Discussion on Cannabis Dispensary SMT to replace weedmaps!

in #cannabis7 years ago

Nice fruits growing. I grew up in Rancho Bernardo. I actually spent more years in San Diego then anywhere else in my life. In high school I called weed, fruits, or trees. That was Long ago.
Good to see a Cali person on Steemit and especially someone from where I grew up.
How is San Diego these days?
I make cannabis lip balm. I give it away mostly. Only because it is such an amazing product and Im not Okay with the distribution laws in place.
Kool pics try plantain tea for your potassium, its way higher then bananas and better for outdoor. I have been growing for 15 years now maybe a little longer and one thing Ive come to realize is to play plants music 528 hertz. This link is 9 hours long so its perfect.

528 is the only hertz that matters for all stages.
Here is my a Steepshot I did of my lip balm. I need help picking out which photo to use. What do you think?

Cheers and hope alls well in SD