It is fair to point out that the usually the media blows things out of proportion, but as a pothead, any kinf of crackdown rhetoric tends to scare the hell outta me :-P
I appreciate your thoughtful comments as always
It is fair to point out that the usually the media blows things out of proportion, but as a pothead, any kinf of crackdown rhetoric tends to scare the hell outta me :-P
I appreciate your thoughtful comments as always
And that is why the NPR host continued to say the discussion was about "Jeff Sessions crackdown on legalized marijuana" even after both guests on the show had said there was no crackdown. I'll be the first one to cry foul in the event of an actual crackdown. If you are really concerned about the feds just put a Ganesh in the window of your dispensary, the Feds have never raided a dispensary with a Ganesh in the window, even back when they actually raided dispensaries.