
One is droopy ... the other 2 are good so far.

Also marijuana is not a type of cannabis. Marijuana is a slag term rooted with racism in the early days of reffer madness. Hemp is usually cannabis sativa. Which is what your ma is most likely. Only thing that really matters is what you think and what you learn from growing. You will find out once you finish flowering. I know you love CBD. As do I. So I’m sure you’ll be pleased.

Yes... this is my 3rd grow.... and I am very happy with the buds. 10-20% CBD is Perfect for me.

Could you tell me what these are ? I was told 10% CBD and 1% THC... are they Cannabis or Hemp ?

Well it is cannabis for sure. Also what I understand most high cbd strains are hemp. Nothing wrong with that. Hemp is very high in cbd and very low in THC.

Ok... i was told it was Ruderalis since it only grew 3’ tall this summer but now people are saying it is not Ruderalis so I’m super confused.

Ruderliss is a type of cannabis that does not need a light change to flower since it automatically flowers.