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RE: Why it's important to be less private in the handling of your dreams. 💗

in #cannabis7 years ago

I used to treat my dreams and desires as if they were fragile babies
that needed protection from a cruel and snarky world.

That attitude assigns fragility, when what I really want
is outcomes that are strong and robust!

Holy fuck this was good. As a recovering "hider" this post was exactly what I needed to hear.

My dreams require attention and nourishment. If I eschew talking about them in favor of things that are more mainstream or that I'm less invested in, then I will give my attention and nourishment to those things instead.

Publicly knowable because:
(1) I have no shame about them;
(2) I may/do need help in carrying them out; and
(3) I enjoy supporting the dreams of others.

Yes, yes, yes! Upvoted, followed and resteemed!

And special thanks to @ericvancewalton for resteeming this originally so that you showed up in my feed.