New Zealand now looking to change outdated Drug laws around cannabis

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

There is an election this year in New Zealand,so we are hearing all sorts of noises from some of the political parties around what they may or may not implement if elected. Loads of media stories today on newsfeeds talking about THC decriminalization or making it legal.
Image result for legalise cannabis

With employers choosing urine drug testing and the current testing not actually showing impairment, a change to saliva testing could also be around the corner
Image result for urine drug test

Urine drug testing does not show impairment, it just shows its in your system - this could have been two weeks ago.
Image result for cannabis

Saliva testing will typically show if any THC has been consumed in the last 8 hours, this would show impairment.
Image result for saliva drug test

This could be election year talk, i think New Zealand as a country should make changes to the current law especially around THC, Employer urine drug testing is making people now smoke Meth (p) instead of weed as it gets out of your system in 48 hours.
Image result for meth

Do we really want to be a country of meth heads?


NZ's largest domestic crop is illegal so I take care not to smoke any down at the shops :)

sounds like you may need some help - On my way!

all kinds of drugs are illegal in my country and I personally don't like drugs and don't smoke any of it
even I don't drink any wine or beer

Ok, but how do you feel about the legalization of weed?
One doesn’t have to be a user to see it’s benefits or the detriment of old drug laws.

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well political parties does all these stunts for their votes i hope they get Serious this time !!