hey man thats fine if you feel that way, we all have our issues to work through
Some people like weed, I don't even drink and I'm giving up mix too. When you're a mercurial personality type it can make an amazing difference to your comfort level around other people when you've had a smoke, for others it makes them uncomfortable, its all about the mental space and social context.
Some people have also fought their whole lives to be allowed to smoke freely, so here and there you might run into those that are offended when they're told not to smoke for whatever reason.
I know there are many other reasons for people to smoke and some arent emotionally healthy, who knows if his or her reasoning is sound at the end of the day, we're all figuring that out.
How do you feel this compares to people who drink at a BBq, I drink coffee at get togethers and people look at me weird, where do we decide when to interfere with peoples practices, perhaps its better if we learn to deal with our conflict concerning other peoples habits internally so we can become more harmonious?
I know I'm a little intolerant of drinkers some times, perhaps that's similar.
Thank you for the reply my friend. I just want to know how to change my way of thinking regarding this. I want it gone! ( The feeling / way of thinking ).