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RE: Since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, Uncle Sam can not lay off the Weed!

in #cannabis7 years ago

Thanks for that helpful post, I knew some facts but some others were intuitions I had, confirmed by that kind of news, I knew they always want to turn people against each other and hide the exact reason why they do that prohibition, and we all know it is because they wanna take full benefit of the drug war, using the banks as money-laundering machines and selling guns to every country they don't like in order to manage getting oil there too. Everything is linked with money, unfortunately. I always said we gotta get rid of 3 problems to have peace in the world: money, politics and religion. Once it's done, we can say "goodbye problems" ! But it is easier said than done. Anyway, I'm soon gonna make posts about psychotrops too, I'm really curious about the chemicals and the scientific part of it. The way you generate things like MDMA and LSD. Steemit is the perfect platform to do that as there's no dictatorship, it's open-minded. Keep up the good work :D