Consuming cannabis nowadays is not just about rolling a joint and having a chill time. Don't get us wrong- you could still do that and enjoy your time afterwards, but consuming marijuana can be done in a million (not literally) different ways and you have the option to personally pick your product to the finest details. From smoking a joint to dabbing, from consuming indica or sativa-dominant plants to straight up having just CBD drops or capsules, the variety in the cannabis world is endless!
To understand our followers and the cannabis enthusiasts on Steemit more we would like to ask you - what is your relationship with cannabis?

Do you smoke joints? Possibly bongs or pipes? Or do you have some super beautiful art piece of a glasspipe you would like to share with us?
Maybe you like edibles more- do you enjoy the classic brownies or is your edibles game more advanced and you like preparing some other meals or desserts with marijuana? Maybe you have weed smoothies?
Maybe you enjoy having your vape pen easily accessible everywhere and like to keep it close at all times? Or maybe you have a vape cartridge?
Are you more of a indica or sativa type of person? Do you enjoy the more THC or CBD heavy strains? Or are hybrids your thing?
Maybe you don't even do THC, but straight up 100% CBD by smoking high CBD/low THC strains only? Or maybe you take your CBD another way? From drops to balm there are tons of options nowadays (and hopefully more to come with the research done on CBD and its potential medical benefits).
So how do you enjoy your cannabis (medical or recreational)? Leave us a comment below and enlighten us- we are interested in learning more about you! We will try to upvote all comments that are not hateful or spammy. Oh, and don't feel bad if we left out your method- if we were to list every type of way one can use cannabis it would take us ages to compile such a post! Maybe you can surprise us with your method of consumption? :)
Thank you for reading! Follow us and leave a comment with what topic you want covered in the next post!
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You can't beat the pipe:

Joints I use only for low-quality stuff that requires high-quantity fast delivery.
Nice set up :) pipes are great, and I love that grinder of yours! Peace:)
That's no grinder, but a box from Nepal
I should really start juicing (after reading about THCA). But dabs and bong hits are my favourite for fun and immediate relief. I've been "on the oil" in the past and should be again - edible and suppository lol. I also use it topically for the skin and for pain relief. #710lifestyle
Smoothies with medicated coconut oil are the best ♡ I love this plant in every form though.
I've smoked blunts, joints, bongs, hookahs, dabbed, vaped and ate cannabis, but the one i enjoy the most at the moment is vaporizer. It produces the best flavor and you can dial in your temperature for the most effective results.
Good ol' fashion joints. With minimal tobacco for a better, more even burn. Indica heavy, couch-locking stuff mostly!

Edible for distance and glass pipe with a dab of oil on top for instant gratification.

Bong or pipe, whatever works! Spliffs are also a favorite. And sativa strains because... I like to do things :P
Marijuana my favorite
It is great connabis.So so very nice your post.I am new user please send me upvhote.
For years and years I hit ‘shottys’, I think it’s a uk thing as haven’t met many people elsewhere that smoke shods! But it’s basically just using the downpipe on a bong inted of the bowl, and you can plug a good bit of bud in there and really get a hard ‘pop’ as it blasts through! For years I was hitting shottys! Here a pic of me long ago with my old bong, l’orange;)
More recent years, having more weed to smoke I would just roll pure in papers. Now I’m looking into some vapes and just want to vape and don’t ‘smoke’ as much as I used to. I’ve tried edibles many times and some are so powerful, but I do want to try some new ways to make canna smoothies etc as that one in the picture looks awesome! I would also love some really high cbd strain to vape, as some of the oil in the uk isn’t really great quality I don’t think....
Awesome post man, great to get us talking about this 😀 peace
I personally enjoy it no matter what form it comes in, but I when it comes to strain I go for hybrids.
Love and Light
Bongs mostly but joints are amazing too!!✌great post.
Just pure green and/or brown inna pipe or inna bong! 💨 It just depends on the availability, time & space. 🚁🛩️🛫🌍🛰️🚀🌛
Positive vibes to all & everyone.
This post is so interesting for the information it provides as for all the associated comments, it shows the taste for marijuana and the different ways of consuming it, in different parts of the world it can be accepted or not, however it must be recognized that every day there is more adept at this recreational form and more minds open to natural medicine.
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