Baby marijuana #3 (Growth and growth) Update

in #cannabis7 years ago

Thursday February 8, 2018
I woke up late, I went straight to where the baby to see its growth and development.

As usual, I took a tool to measure the growth of the baby every day. The amazing results I got today, I first measured the hours of 11:05 am. The result is one stem increases 1 centimeter, from 6 centimeters to 7 centimeters. While the other four rods also increased, from 5 centimeters to 6 centimeters.

At 15.30 I re-check the development of the baby, I just want to know in a day the baby cannabis tree grew by a few centimeters. Apparently after I measure back, each tree rose one centimeter in length. wow .. this is amazing for me.

I also had time to measure the leaves of the cannabis baby, the average length of leaves increased 0.1 centimeters.

Today the age of the marijuana baby has 9 days guys, for me this includes rapid growth every day. Though the land has not even once I love fertilizer, I only mangasarkan sunlight for the morning growth. This is my first research, please support from my steemit friends for my research success.

See you later on the upcoming developments on cannabis babies. Huyeee guys ...