Cannabis Freedoms in Texas

in #cannabis7 years ago

There aren't ANY.
Even with the new Medical plan implemented here only a very small amount of people will be allowed access. Those with Intractable Epilepsy will have access, and then only if they know about it and choose to do so. So let us look at some pseudo-numbers. According to The Mayo Clinic; One in 5 children with epilepsy has intractable seizures — defined as seizures that fail to respond to at least two appropriate anti-seizure medications. So right off the bat, for the children alone, the number of possible cannabis patients is cut to 20%.
Now let's look at overall numbers of persons with epilepsy. According to Stanford Health Care, About one-third of people with epilepsy will eventually develop intractable epilepsy. This means that medicines do not work well, or at all, to control the seizures. Intractable epilepsy can have a big effect on your life. People with intractable epilepsy may have trouble at work or school. They may worry a lot about when their next seizure will come. They may also have injuries that result from their seizures. Once again we have to CHOP the numbers of those who qualify for the Medical Cannabis program here in Texas to 33% of all persons who have this debilitating disease in their lives.
How can this be real you are asking. Well the lawmakers here in Texas must have thought that the time had come for them to give a LITTLE , and that's exactly what they did, gave just a little.
So now it's time to take that small hole and REAM IT OUT!
CALL TO ACTION Hit the streets. In the coming year you will see Thousands of Texans taking to the streets to show their support of more Cannabis Freedoms in Texas, through Cannabis Open Carry Walks Flyer_Design_update101a.jpg
All you need to do is become involved in a LOCALyou can do to make this movement change the minds and hearts of the people. As of the time of this post there are close to two dozen walks set up in as many cities all over Texas. Make yourself be heard, join a movement that will shake the foundations of the forthcoming cannalution way. Go to the fb page and find out what in Texas. #FreeTheWeed2019 #GetUpStandUp