This is a quick update of Gunpowder from CBD Hemp direct. This batch was much nicer than the first batch I tried. So I thought I'd share -- especially for those who liked the strain, but didn't like the little buds.
This one isn't my favorite tasting. I only vape, but I didn't notice that it was particularly harsh (some strains vape harsh). Unfortunately, the lab results aren't up on the site anymore, but I remember this strain had a ton of Guaiol. A terpene I really haven't seen before.
You lacked two weeks minimum more
Interesting. I didn't know this was a thing. How's it taste compared to regular THC buds?
It looks pretty shwaggy. Like it'd be harsh on the throat.
This one isn't my favorite tasting. I only vape, but I didn't notice that it was particularly harsh (some strains vape harsh). Unfortunately, the lab results aren't up on the site anymore, but I remember this strain had a ton of Guaiol. A terpene I really haven't seen before.
Edit: Here's the full review:
This is fire for CBD hemp folks lol.
I kinda wanna order some.
Check out TweedleFarms dot com too. They are really good. Also BestBuds dot me
Actually tweedle farms looks way higher quality.