On the Daily Excursion to get Smoke at Free Town Christiania
...as I arrived at the entrance a Police van was sat with just one fat pig in the drivers seat, and that meant that the rest were inside trying to take away cannabis from the sellers on Pusher Street. Just as I walked in, 5 or 6 were walking out in the custom riot gear and one with a video camera. Cunts, I have a real dislike for Police.
Usually they raid just a moment before I get to the stalls selling stuff and you here the word OST! shouted out then you know the pigs are coming and everyone packs up and fucks off asap.
At the moment the hash has been quite shit, so now Im sticking to weed. I just got two bags, from different stalls and one is diesel-ish and the other is not cured so Im not smoking it first.
The one that's cured..
Its a banging smoke, Indica Dominent which is all I need! It feels like a kush.
The not so cured one..
I just made a joint from it now and it tastes well fresh still, but I'm already with near on closed eyes from the last joint haha..
Im waiting for the rain to stop and will go get my bike which I hid because I dont yet have a lock for it, thankfully I just remembered I have one now or I would have left without it!
Big love, @movingman
I left my bike once, was still there next day. Locks don’t mean much around here. :|
Sounds like an exciting dispensary to shop at lol, nice looking nug score.
Haha, no legal Dispersarys in this part of the world, yet!