Everything looked so crystal clear
And that is why they grow abundantly everywhere, they want you to have a vision beyond the conditioning! Welcome to the club!
Everything looked so crystal clear
And that is why they grow abundantly everywhere, they want you to have a vision beyond the conditioning! Welcome to the club!
Do they? I have yet to even start any research on it. I mean like, how do people start smoking it anyway? They just tried to smoke every plant out there? lol
BTW people started cultivating this plant in China and India first, and has been a revered plant, considered divine, by our cultures. It was demonized and castigated by "modern civilization" but now, even "they" see it as the broad-spectrum Medicine as defined in our old texts.
It is also a herb used for recreational indulgence, not as lethal as alcohol. And now of course, it has become an immense economic opportunity as well. But the people who do consume the herb, normally end up seeing through the haze and the propaganda, and forming a new way of looking at things.