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RE: Smoking pot / weed for my first time in 42 years !

in #cannabis8 years ago
  1. You won't get addicted from experimenting with cannabis. Everything in moderation, but those that are truly "addicted" are only addicted mentally, unlike say a heroin addict who will actually get sick if they can't score, and are the type of people who smoke first thing in the morning, all day long, and right before bed. You've gone 42 years. You won't become one of those people. Trust me. I believe in you. If you've smoked in the past, and you smoke and nothing happens, you got some less than stellar stuff. I know from experience, and from dozens of other people saying the same thing, that they didn't feel much if anything the first time they smoked. I myself didn't get stoned until my 5th time trying it. But I remember that day 22 years ago like it was yesterday. I'm not sure if a 42 year tolerance break would bring your tolerance down to that of someone who's never used though. I've always been told that once you open up those cannabinoid receptors, they stay open. But we'll get to the solution to that later. Seeing trippy things: Visual hallucinations from cannabis use are extremely rare. Some people report closed eye visuals, but rarely psychadelic type open eyed hallucinations. Some people see cool things like fractals with their eyes closed. I feel like the question you're really asking is "what if something happens that makes me paranoid?" This will remain a possibility even if you follow all of my advice, but there is a simple solution. Have someone sober(or at least a seasoned cannabis user that won't blow you off if you really do need some comfort) that you trust around in case you need support or reassurance. In answer to your final question, that depends. If you do it in Arizona or Mississippi, yes. I think that if this is something that you think would be meaningful for you, it's worth turning it into a vacation! Come visit us on the West Coast! Or Colorado! Or Alaska! All of the recreational states are great vacation places with lots of non cannabis related sights, that can now be enhanced with cannabis! You'll be able to walk into a store, and have access to exactly what YOU feel is best for YOU, and you won't feel like/be a hypocrite, because it's legal! I'm in Oregon, and I know that anyone with a valid ID from any state over 21 can buy here. I think that's the case with all rec states, but I may be wrong. Finally, get a vaporizer. You get more for your money out of less material and it's much healthier. I never combust anymore aside from the occasional joint. I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I've been medically using cannabis in Oregon for 22 years, and know just about everything there is to know about cannabis, it's medical uses, and basically anything related to it. And I'm happy to answer questions.

Thank you for this comment.

Do you think I should give it another go?

Only you can make that decision. That being said, it seemed from the pictures that you did somewhat enjoy the general/indica type effects you were feeling at first, and all of the negative things you describe are things commonly said by people trying too strong of a sativa. Particularly for the first time in 42 years. If you enjoyed it, I think you should experiment further with indicas and hybrids at first, and build up to sativas. Are concentrates available where you are? That would be a quick, effective way of seeing if indicas are for you. Through a small dab.

Hello there,

I don't think I would smoke weed again. Not my cup of tea.

Thank you for the comment !