Another issue in basically every “medical state” is the fact that very few doctors view it as a “medicine” in the same sense that they would, say, oxycontin.
This is quickly changing, but it can’t change quickly enough.
The result is that rather than research into and creation of amazing new medical uses and regimens, it’s largely treated at best, like an unnecessary supplement, and at worst, just something that needs to be “regulated.” Like things like tobacco and alcohol.
This has led to a situation where the people with illnesses that actually have been proven to be heavily relieved by cannabis cannot even afford the price of getting a card, let alone the cost of good medicine. Because we’re all on fixed incomes, and insurance doesn’t help.
My insurance has no problem with spending $20k a month on my medications. About to $15k of that goes to opiates. If I even had $500-1000/m available to use toward cannabis products the way they pay for “drugs,” I could cut my opiate dose in half.
And you know that everyone involved knows that I’m right. That Big Pharma money is just so sexy. And if it kills off half of people under the poverty line, fuck it, even better!