Trouble At Cannabis Testing Lab With Name Similar To Mine

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)


There has been an unfortunate incident with an Oregon cannabis testing lab this week called OG Analytical. It was exposed that their CEO and her husband are involved in White Nationalist Neo-Nazi activities.

She has since stepped down as CEO of the lab, and has said that she will put it up for sale, but the manager, who was blindsided by this, along with all 14 other employees, has said that business has dropped by 100% since the article was released, and that he doesn’t see a way of going forward, at least under the same name.

This is a huge blow to the Oregon cannabis industry, and an even bigger blow to the 14 employees, who I have even more sympathy for.

I just felt that I should address this in some way because of the fact that my username is OregonOG, and it would be easy to think that I’m somehow involved, since all of my posts are cannabis related, and many are things like macro photos. The kind of thing that might have been taken in a testing lab. They weren’t.

Other people/organizations/businesses with similarities in name have taken similar measures. Eugene OG, a popular local dispensary that delivers has a header on their website explaining the situation and that they are also unrelated.

Further complicating things for them is that they do have products on the shelf that were tested by OG Analytical(basically all stores in Oregon do,) and the name of the lab has to be on every product by law. I have a lot of sympathy for them as well. And I have a lot of products that were tested by OG Analytical. I feel personally betrayed by this.

To summarize, I am not involved with OG Analytical, and none of the other entities in in the area with similar names are either. I am a Jew. Hopefully the employees can find new ownership and bounce back from this.


Ouch! That is terrible! It is unfortunate that the employees with no involvement are suffering because of a hateful CEO. I hope that your username doesn't get any unnecessary flak because of this.

Me too. I put a lot of effort into the content that I create, and this is already becoming a fairly saturated area on Steem. The last thing I need is people thinking that I’m somehow involved with this, so I decided that saying something and getting out in front of it was a good idea.