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RE: Rolling an inside out Birthday Spliff with some dank 14 month old Buds #420

in #cannabis7 years ago

Happy birthday buddy hop you had a good one being treated like a king! That's a flaming backflip your supposed to hold the Spliff at 45° angle and set roach end on fire, then flame travels up the side and sets the end on fire to light the Spliff, not a 100% success rate tho I usually get a little tiny hole I have to patch up so I sometimes cut it off like you, you are right about the shape it's a badman roll 🎂🎉



No need for flames, no need for scissors. Just rip it off when its still wet from licking. I roll for some years now, thats imho the more safety way ^^

I cut it, soaked to small extra leftover and stuck it down.

That picture would have been much better than me explaining it.

Its a weekend spliff for me when i have the time to piss around. My time is disappearing so fast, i might need to start smoking my bong again for speed, lol