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RE: Show Me A Peak Of Your Current Grow In Comments, 100% Upvotes(11K Weed Power Staked)To Those That Do(Junk Yard Diaries 2019)

in #cannabis6 years ago

I just got some from a neighbor the other day, but it's been topping 100 degrees the past two days and I was told that using the castille soap or the neem oil on a hot sunny day could do more damage, so I sprayed her down good with water and it seemed to knock everything I could see off, and have been watering her really well, and then when it's a bit cooler (I think it's supposed to start cooling off today, so perhaps this evening around dusk) I'll do a treatment and remove the top layer of mulch and dirt and replace it. I just didn't want to do it when it was such a scorcher and hurt her even more.