Blackcoin Reachs Highest Price Ever of 0.33 USD.

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)


Blackcoin is the original Proof of Stake coin, and unlike other currencies has always stayed true to proof of stake through all 3 generations of the coin. It has a interstate system, so watch for the next dump because you will be able to get in on the crypto-currency with the lowest carbor emission footprint.


Interesting article. Interesting to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. Though prices might seam inflated for now I don't think they will look like this 2, 3 years from now. Does anyone know about: I'm really happy with this site that gives complete coin analysis for every single crypto.

Thanks for sharing that link

I'm Very excited about this one;

::: the original proof of stake coin!! what a time to be alive!

and it's at .45 3 days after you wrote this!