Thank you for sharing your story. I would like to share with you that each strain may effect you differently. A Sativa is usually more of a cerebral high and can put some people into a place of anxiety. For those who regularly use Sativa, we tend to feel uplifted and creative.
Also, the short term memory loss gets better over time as you use it more regularly. The first month of using Cannabis, it takes a bit to actually get use to it. So it may have been a bit strong for you. After a while though, you will get more use to the dosage and the effects lessen that are uncomfortable.
When I first started using cannabis, I use to have what I called "Time Dilation" Time felt distorted and 1 hour felt like 4. After a few months of regular use, that went away.
I would recommend you try again, but smoke less per session and try and use it a little bit each day for 30 days. I bet at the end of the 30 days, you will feel much different about it's use. Also try some other strains. Indica is more of a body high and way more relaxing. May even put you to sleep comfortably.
Mmmm, you make some good points.
As for me trying it again... I'm still thinking about it.