I thought it was time to water, as I have been under watering laterly. The pots felt light and they were starting to look droopy so I thought it was time to water. Maybe I just gave them too much water? The leaves are now curling under. Will monitor the situation and see how they are looking tomorrow.
They are definitely getting bigger, but I have no basis of comparison if they are going fast or slow.
I took so much off Larry and she still looks quite bushy. Hopefully her leaves perk up tomorrow, I hate seeing her like this.
Jet Fuel Gelato has a weird shape to it, hopefully those short branches on the bottom right will extend and fill out that side of the plant.
MAC & Cheese #2 has two pretty massive shoots that have shoots of their own that are getting quite long and should be able to fill up quite a bit of space.
MAC & Cheese #2 has some really nice balanced growth and takes up a good area surrounding it. I cleaned her up quite a bit, she had a lot of little growth blocking the center of her canopy.
She is noding like absolutely crazy. They all seem to be. Maybe that's just normal?
Hey @rawpride,
They do look overwatered. We have experienced the same sort of response when the plants were that young. Your plants should bounce back in a couple days.
How big are the fabric pots?
How much water did you give them / was there a lot of run-off?
The training on these plants is really amazing. You're going to have so many bud sites. Will you be using a trellis to scrog your plants?
Looking forward to more posts on your grow!
~ MM's
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm using 5 gal pots, was giving about 3/4 a gal each when I watered. Had been going about a week or so between waterings, and shortened it to 48 hours with this one.
Thanks about the training, just slow gentle, daily work at it. I am planning on setting up a scrog soon.