Sweet Tooth Automatic by Barney's farm. 40% sativa, 60% indica.
This is my second time growing it, bought it primarily because of short lifespan promised by #breeder, 63 days. It took me about a week longer than it's said. This batch was one of those when you get too cocky and fuck up things. Despite the fact it was heavily over saturated by #nutrients I've still got cca 20g from this plant, which is kind of minimum expected.
Second week in jar!
While #curing I like to maintain 60-65% humidity.
This was posted from Smoke.Network
Yeah! Nice one mate! I think that flower pot is kinda amazing right? no roots stuck! Thats amazing if you need to transplant for summer. Hey, i didn't knew about that project; is that serious?
Thanks mate!! Pots are great, root prunes itself when pot is reached, no stuck and much more aired. It requires a bit shorter watering intervals. I, personally don't transplant them due to lack of sun, but must agree, they are grateful for transplanting.
What project you actually mean on??
Nice looking... 20g dry on a auto ain't bad Clearly more would be better but lessons learned in growing.
Followed to check or your grows and chronic
Short lifespan made it worse, it had no time to recover. 20g per plant on average was what I planned after overfertilizing occurred. Second plant, chopped last week, gave me 30g dry and I expect same amount from last two. All in all, I'm not extremely happy, but I'm not sad either.
Thanks for following.
Nice. I pulled my first auto a month back got 33 dry and I under nute because I hate them.
But a buddy mine pulled a qp but he had better light and used more nute.
I do know calcium and magnesium play a big part I use molasses as a natural super as well
Got to check out pros and cons on that molasses...