Gardening: Cannabis Flowering Stage Week # 9

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)


Welcome to my cannabis micro-garden! I am currently in Week # 9 of the flowering stage, which means that the plants are still receiving 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. These are my last 2 plants standing from the original 4 that were planted in soil, at the beginning of May.

More Specifics About The Grow 

All the seeds were sprouted and planted at the same time, but if you recall, I did have a male plant which I banished to the nether regions of "outside" as soon as I could visually verify what "it" looked like. It turns out that a male cannabis plant, produces round balls in the apexes of its stalks while a female plant produces hair-like structures. At any rate, the male was successful in pollinating the 3 remaining females and the females have all produced seeds as a result. 

General Growing Information According To Me (Please File Under: Today I Learned)

For those of you who might not know, a cannabis plant can either be a male, a female or a healthy mix of both. When it's both, the plant is referred to as a hermaphrodite.

Skilled growers typically only work with female plants because they produce the most medicine in their trichomes and they don't produce seeds, (unless they are fertilized by pollen from a mature male plant, which culminates in seed production). Separating seeds from plant material is a very labour intensive task and adds an additional processing step to an already very lengthy process. Many consider a crop that has been pollinated to be a complete waste and it's usually destroyed. I think this is largely due to the fact that the finished, dried product can't easily be sold to a consumer without being heavily discounted. The consumer wants a nice clean bud, not a bud that's been broken to remove the seeds. or, buds that they (themselves) have to take the time to de-seed. 

To the naked eye, the medicine containing trichomes look like fine filaments or hairs. They cover the flowers and the leaves directly surrounding the flowers. (When people refer to using sugar leaves or trim, these specific leaves are what they are talking about. The leaves on the rest of the plant don't usually contain trichomes. ) When we examine what these trichomes look like under magnification, they resemble very tiny translucent mushrooms that have a definite stalk and a rounded cap. As the trichomes continue to develop (over time) they transform in colour and turn white and more densely milky in their appearance and they start to resemble a trumpet in shape. They can also turn an amber colour. The resin found in and on the trichomes is exceptionally sticky and crystal-like in appearance. Under good lighting a well grown, mature female plant will appear to sparkle.

Growers get very excited when they see a strain of cannabis that is just dripping with trichomes because it is a marker of a successful grow and is a good indicator that the finished plant material will be medicinally beneficial to the people who will ultimately be consuming it.  The special molecules of medicinal compounds found within the trichomes, are called cannabinoids. The cannabinoids (along with the terpenes and favinoids in the plant) give the plant, the majority of it's medicinal value.

What Happened Next (???)

A curious thing happened at the beginning of week #8, I noticed that one plant seemed to be naturally dying. Her leaves all wilted and I took that as a cue that I needed to take more intense action. I made the executive decision to start flushing her with 10 litres of water daily. The flushing lasted for 8 days. My goal was 14, but I really thought that I was going to lose her altogether. On day 9, I harvested. I cut a bud off its stock and trimmed it right away, so that I could show you what it looked like. I took this on a macro setting, without additional magnification. This bud is now hanging upside down with the remaining stocks that I harvested from the dying plant.


The plant that I harvested produced 13 stalks that each contained multiple small buds. These stalks have been trimmed and I saved the sugar leaves that were growing around and very close to the buds. Then I hung the stalks up to dry and I gently dried the sugar leaves on a very low heat (95 degrees F) in my food dehydrator for 18 hours.


The humidity is 53% and the temperature is 26 degrees C.

The Curing Of The Sugar Leaves

I have placed this dried trim or sugar leaves into a sealed mason jar  along with some desiccant. I am opening the jar (a few times a day) to let any gas or moisture escape (as part of my curing efforts) and I'd planned to continue to do this procedure for the next 2 weeks.


The Plan For The Remaining two Queens

The remaining two plants are still doing alright and I have continued to fertilize them with Dutch Nutrient's organic bloom formula, mixed at the correct ratio, three times a week. My goal is to get to week 12 with them in the flowering stage, before I start the flushing process. The flushing process should take another 2 weeks after that.


Buds At 9 Weeks Under 45x Magnification And Captured With An LG3 Cell Phone Camera


You'll notice all the milky white trichomes on the buds and the leaves. These buds may have an odd shape or appearance to them and I would attribute that to the fact that they are full of seeds.

The Handling of Seeds

I was able to harvest some seeds that naturally fell out when I was trimming the sugar leaves away from the bud clusters of the plant that I already have drying. I am saving these seeds in a sealed mason jar with some desiccant also.


All the buds that I have and will be harvesting are loaded with seeds so I should have plenty of seeds going forward for future gardens. I decided to test one of these new seeds by checking to see if it was viable by getting it to sprout.


As you can see, it worked! It took 24 hours to sprout the seed and then, I put it in soil at 48 hours old. It's now 72 hours old, in this photo. It does not take long for this herb to grow.

Week 7, 8, & 9 of The Flowering Stage


You'll notice the colour changes from one week to the next. Although I am not noticing any amber colouration in the trichomes yet, the last picture seems to be more orange in hue.

I will do my best to keep you up to date on my very first attempt at growing a cannabis micro- garden.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey.


~ Rebecca Ryan



Hey @rebeccaryan! Looking good so far! Your remaining plants are nicely developed. It's great to see all the trichomes in your bud shots!

Sometimes a strain can take forever to show its sex.... one time I was more then positive I had all females in a room only to find out first week of 12/12 that one was actually a hidden male! Talk about a massive panic but definitely caught it on time.

Keep up with the updates! Can't wait to see the finished product :)

I have no idea if I did the right thing by harvesting the plant that I thought was dying. Have you ever had that happen to you or any grower you know?
Man, you must have been panicking!!! Mine was half-way through veg when I caught it. It's been a fun learning process and I am very thankful for your advice. :)Hi @burgernfries! Great to hear from you!!! Thanks for having a read and a look.

Anytime! I have definitely harvested a plant before its "time". Sometimes its hard to keep a plant alive for whatever reason and its better to harvest a bit early then potentially something worse coming along like bud rot! The effects may be a little racy from an earlier harvest but I'm sure it will be ok. As long as you dry and cure it shouldn't be significantly noticeable!

Oh no!!! Now I'm nervous @burgernfries...explain what you mean by heart racy or clean the entire house from top to bottom in under an hour racy?

Lol! Racy as in you may want to clean everything! But it's dependent on each persons' tolerance and just how Cannabis effects you in general! It may just be exactly what you're looking for! :)

Thanks for this clarification! I can handle increased energy with a productivity boost, but would not look forward to an increase in paranoia or heart palpitations. LOL!

Hi @rebeccaryan I've Published a post about you, check it out if you can, thanks.

32 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 27th July 2017

Thank you for letting me know about this @jzeek! I have read it and commented on it. :)

A cannabis plant has sort of fallen into my life and I know nothing about growing.Your post is very helpful and helps direct my further research to keep this girl healthy and strong.

There are so many things that will be important...
Growing outside you won't have to have special lighting.
They do much better if they are fed/fertilized properly and you get the water, not chlorinated.
Oh, where to start? I just remember when I start to over analyze the situation is that it's a herb that wants to grow like a weed.

thanks for this....when I was given this plant I first was inclined to do a lot of research and grow it perfectly, but then I thought that it IS a weed and I'd see how it goes naturally and discover how to do this through following my instincts and listening to the plant. Of course if it needs to be fed which I think it will soon, I'll research what kind to get and such, but not too crazy about this first little one. I know you're a pro so I'll turn to your posts for info too :-)

LOL! Ok, so it's the blind leading the blind.
We used a line of fertilizer that's called Dutch Nutrients and it's a concentrate that you mix with water. There's a blend for the vegetative stage and a blend for the flowering stage. If your plant is just little, then it will be in a vegetative stage or (growing phase) and it will likely be there for 8 weeks before you hit the flower stage which will take 9-12 more weeks. Then flushing for 2 weeks, drying for 3 weeks and curing for another 2's a process.
Some people just feed their plants miracle grow or fertilizers that you would use on tomato plants.
Others do nothing and take their chances with the plant just growing wildly outside.

noted, thank you:-)))
ps. never would I even buy Miracle grow - it's like cocaine for plants...just terrible!

I agree. I would never use it either.
People often say that cannabis is similar to growing tomatoes and roses. They can be affected by the same types of problems.
At any rate, your experience will be an opportunity to learn and hopefully enjoy. :D

Now that is great to hear....I know roses and tomatoes well :-)), again thx for your advice

You have done what you do best. You have shown to us all the tiniest of details, leaving nothing that I know of for us have questions about.
I have to add this to my reply as well. Anyone can understand by your words, and photos, that you have a genuine interest in what you are doing. Making it possible for anyone to duplicate your growing mini garden of cannabis.
I should save this post and others like it. Who knows. At my age, the pain factors could start to arrive in my body any day. Having a natural pain reliever would be nice.
Thank you@rebeccaryan


That's exactly right, Francis. Cannabis is a tool that belongs in everyone's medicine cabinet. People should have a choice between whether they want to take an aspirin or eat cannabis. The other thing worth noting is that we can make some very effective topical lineaments that aren't psychoactive. They bind to receptors in the skin and block pain. It's great for both inflammation and neuropathic pain. :)

excellent comment @francisk and so true, this woman knows her stuff!

I don't know much about growing cannabis so it has been useful following your Gardening series.

I didn't realise that the plant could be both male and female. Is it a desirable trait for it to be a hermaphrodite?

It seems like the plant grows pretty quickly so I can't wait to see them fully flower @rebeccaryan

Hermaphrodites are not desirable and usually develop when the plant has been stressed because its growing conditions are lacking something vital.Thanks for your comments @arckrai! The pictures you see in my post are of the actual flowers of this plant. They don't look like a traditional flower, so that part can be confusing if you're not use to seeing a cannabis plant in flower. My flowers or buds as they are called are on the small side. This is likely due to the strain of the plant and my inexperienced growing skills. I will get better over time. (I hope. LOL!)

All strains of cannibas vary in the amount of time to complete the flower cycle ranging from 8 to 12 weeks usually. Either way when the plant is nearing the end of its flowering cycle, the leaves will begin to discolor and wilt causing it to look like its dying. This basically means the flowers are pulling every last bit of nutrients from the rest of the plant. Good call on the flushing. Very important.

Thanks for commenting! This is my very first crop @neek and so I am learning as I go, but not blindly. I am using Jorge Cervantes' book, the Cannabis Encyclopedia and lots of YouTube videos as well as the advice I am receiving here, on Steemit. The seeds I am using are/were foraged for and gifted to me, so they didn't cost me anything, but I also don't have any info on the strain itself. So, it's anyone's guess on whether they will go right to 12 weeks in flower. At this point, I am going week by week and trying to make the best decisions that I can.

Check out "The Grow Boss" on youtube. That guy helped me out a lot when I was new to indoor gardening.

Thanks @neek. I will check the channel out.

Looks gorgeous! I hope some day soon I get laws that allow me to grow legally! I would love to have some little pot babies. Very informative posts!

Thank @jeffjagoe! It's been a steep learning curve...but I think it will become easier with each crop that I grow. I think we will see full legalization of all of North America in the next few years. The beauty of the internet lets us educate each when you can grow legally, I for one, will be happy to help if it is needed. :)

Wayyyy to go!!!! I'm very impressed with the work you have done, and that you saved your own seeds too!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Horray for cannabis sustainability. You have learned so much, and I'm so proud of your micro crop!!! Sending love to your beautiful Mamas, and to you too <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much for your kind words! It's been a learning process that's for sure! We're in the home stretch now with drying and curing, yet to come.
Fingers crossed that we can manage those parts properly. :)

You got this! xoxo Cannot wait to see the next steps. Beautiful close up photos too by the way <3

Thank you so much Lyndsay!

You're welcome CannaAngel~ <3

It is just so enjoyable to read from a passionate like you on the subject! It grow very quickly I noticed @rebeccaryan, here it take minimum 1 week to sprout, that's maybe surely because of the climate/temperature i think! @progressivechef

Most would take a few days to sprout at least @progressivechef, but I have an appliance that's called an EZ Grow sprouter that let's me grow sprouts very quickly. It has a timer and a mister that is built in. This is what I used to get the seed to sprout, so quickly. The appliance makes the sprouting process almost fool-proof. :)

Thank you!This is an amazing equipment you got @rebeccaryan! Was not aware of it, I just checked it out , looks really a very useful tool!

It let's you grow sprouts, very easily. I have one unit, but they can be for restaurant applications that require lots of fresh sprouts for their salads and garnishes. As I live in a country that doesn't typically let me grow outdoors year round, this is a good solution for growing fresh, at anytime.

It is really a great tool to have indeed! I'm glad to have known it thanks to you!
Fresh sprouts on hand is just amazing!
Thank you again @rebeccaryan!

Of course, you can do this simply with a big mason jar and some cheese cloth on your counter, but this takes all the guess work out of the process and reduces your seed from going moldy because too big a clump of seeds held too much moisture.

That's a very useful post for me. I am living in an upstairs with limited space. but wish to plant few plants there. I will definitely try this out! Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us! Really appreciate the effort!@rebeccaryan,

Cheers and have a nice day ahead~

nice pictures!

So, for 4 plants, I created a little grow room that's 6 feet x 6 feet. You need an exhaust fan and filtre because even a plant produces a very intense aroma that is tricky to hide. :)

Your micro garden looks great.
I wish I could start one but I live in the UK and unfortunately it's still illegal over here. 😢

I hope the UK will follow Canada's lead next year and that we will see one country after another legalize or better yet, just drop prohibition.Thank you @makrotheblack!

wow this is looking very awesome great progress.

wow very looking article.
vote and resteem

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I have followed you. :)Thank you so much @goldcoin!

Hey @rebeccaryan, stumbled upon this post after your kind words under my post and, ahem, after finding out that you're, as you said, Cannabis Coach.

Although I'm not really ready to create my own garden, I'd love to see the outcome of your crops. Heading to older post too keep up with the backlog.

It's never a dull moment. I always have something growing in my gardens.
We're located up in Canada and we have rules in place for medical cannabis currently, with full legalization across the country set for next July. I have been blogging about what it has been like on the medical side of things, for quite some time and I am happy to answer any questions. ;)

I don't know much about cannabis & don't think it is a common flower and available every where :D

Sadly, you are correct @engraqin. It is not available everywhere and people are still being arrested for having it. We've just been able to openly start discussing in many countries, in the last 3 years.

@rebeccaryan your cannabis micro-garden is awesome

Welcome to Steemit.
I have followed you. ;)Thank you @pikachhu!

Wow it all looks so beautiful! I wish it was legal where i live!

Thanks for commenting.
Welcome to my blog. I have followed you. :)Hopefully it will be soon @blakejames!

Very interesting cannabis plant can either be a male, a female or a healthy mix of both. I think the same is milky

Yes, it make it trickier when you don't know what the gender of the seeds are that you are starting there can be an element of surprise.
Welcome to Steemit and my blog. I have followed you. :)Thanks for commenting @sandrag89!

nice pictures

Good post! I'd love to see your progress! Check out my blog and enjoy the post about harvesting herb!