At the time that I find myself sitting down to write this article, it’s mid-March.
We still have a bit of snow left in the part of Ontario, Canada where I live.
This means that I don’t live in a climate that is warm enough or receives enough sunlight consistently to grow cannabis outside, year round.
At Best One Cannabis Crop Can Be Grown Outside (here) Per Year
As a result, growers who plan to grow outside have just started their seeds or will be getting ready to receive clones in the next 2 weeks.
For those new to the cannabis growing culture, a clone is a cutting that’s been taken from a more mature cannabis plant. The cutting is “rooted” and once a root is established, the newly rooted stem can be transplanted into a larger container and grown as an exact duplicate of the original plant that the stem came from.
The Original Plants, That Provide The Cuttings, Are Called Mothers
In the photo (below) you can see some of my mothers.
These mothers were once tiny clones themselves.
There are a few reasons why growers like to work with clones. This is because they:
will be the same gender as the mother plant (female, unless the plants become stressed);
will save the grower time as the grower dosen’t have to risk whether a seed is going to sprout (or not) and they also don’t have to wait for a viable seeding to become established. (This alone, can add a few weeks to a growing cycle);
can be brought to harvest a little bit quicker which means a quicker turn around on crop rotations and ultimately more yield potential in a calendar year.
At this point, we are all waiting for all the snow to melt
Even the Ladybugs (who have emerged from their winter hibernation from somewhere) are anxious to get to work.
The sweet skunky aroma is like a homing beacon to them
Ladybugs are one of the few creatures that are welcome in a cannabis garden when it’s still in a vegetative-state.
They will eat all kinds of pests but they are really prized for their love of feasting on spider mites.
Thankfully, my garden doesn’t have any mites so the ladybugs will have to keep hunting.
Hypothetically, if I did have a mite problem, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy ladybugs and release them into my garden to try and save it. An infestation of mites often means that an entire crop must be destroyed.
I thought that it was pretty amazing that these ladybugs found their way naturally onto my cannabis hedge.
A good example of permaculture in action, working with nature rather than against it.
In the close-up photo (above) the ladybug is looking a little sticky. LOL! No doubt!
(She probably can’t remember why she crawled out on that leaf in the first place... I almost can’t. Lol!)
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...we will be saving ladybugs!
~ Rebecca
Are growing cannabis plants already legal in Ontario? Pretty sure we are still waiting here in Alberta.
Thanks for your great question @canadianrenegade! No, not quite yet. I’ve got a personal medical and a grow licence issued by Health Canada. I do recommend that anyone who is using medicinally, consider getting their own licence prior to legalization this year because I think it will become even more difficult to get once we do move into full legalization across the country.
Thanks for the reply, I am currently not using medically but depending on the hoops required I may grow some once we are out on the homestead. I find anything to do with plants and herbs pretty interesting.
@rebeccaryan mam....
Such a wonderful and interesting topic....
In order to thrive and grow, every cannabis plant needs:
Light -
whether you're using sunlight or grow lights, you must understand the light needs of a cannabis plant to get the best bud quality & yields
Growing Medium -
the stuff your plants grow in; soil isn't your only choice
Air -
a well-ventilated space with good air exchange and a slight breeze is best
Temperature -
Of course it's not always possible to control the temps perfectly. A good rule of thumb for cannabis plants is if it feels way too hot for you, it's probably too hot for your plants. And just like humans, cannabis plants can die if exposed to freezing temps.
Nutrients -
you can buy pre-formulated nutrients that you just add to your water, or you can compost your own super soil so that it already includes all the nutrients you need
Water -
like all plants, cannabis needs water to survive, learn exactly what you need to know below.
Wel done and perfect work mam...
Happy gardening @rebeccaryan, beautiful lady bug in your cannabis garden..........have a good day
As a consumer, I love growers using clones as there is some consistency in that you know kinda what your going to get. Now we just have to find a way to cultivate ladybugs!
Ladybugs are awesome. They eat spider mites!
dynamicgreentk, we also provide superior rattan seed from aceh.
Pohon ganja.
@rebeccaryan I just love your garden pics. It's full of green. Awesome. Hope, it will inspire people to start gardening. Thanks for sharing.
Nice gardening .........cannabis as weed but serve as drug .........nice photography
Love the ladybugs. I have them in my gardens too. Love the photo of your mothers with the ladybug. So cute.
Ladybirds are every gardeners friend. Its interesting to know that they love cannabis plants.