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RE: Building My New Grow Room! Stage One.

in #cannabis8 years ago

Oh Fry, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments.
I am growing in soil to start.
The nutrient line is Dutch Nutrients (Organic)
Good to know about the lumens...we really want to get into led lights but just didn't have the finances right out of the gate.
I agree. My body does really well with heavy indicas.
I am concerned about the roots so thanks for the tip on the watering frequency.
Thanks again, I greatly appreciate your interest in my small grow project and your fantastic advice. I feel like I am completely surrounded by wonderful teachers. ;)


Glad to help! I consider my time in Colorado's industry as my schooling! ;)
I'm not sure on red lights, but spectrum is important. I am going to use a magnetic "old school" balast and ceramic bulbs when I start growing again, because the spectrum doesn't have a couple of peaks, it literally goes straight across the whole spectrum where every bit can be used.
Again, stuff I saw and didn't see in the dispensaries there. :)
I followed you, so I can give more tips if I see the place down the road to help again.
I am very much a patient advocate, and activist who cares. :)
Lastly, youtube has thousands of videos, and google searches always point to info in books, free of charge!
Enjoy your garden!
Plant lotsa smiles! =D

Thank you @unfaakinreal. I really do appreciate your help and opinions. I am watching lots of growing videos and using Jorge Cervantes' Cannabis encyclopedia...It's like the bible of cannabis. LOL!