I love the idea of weed getting into mainstream - how many times have we heard people committing crime while MELLOW...
There are literally 100s of crimes committed each day because of liqor but no one is banning that...in fact there are more homicides because of Liqor any other drug COMBINED.
Passive tobacco smoking is dangerous but passive weed smoking will basically mellow everyone and possibly cure psychosomatic issues...
Issue is not the TRUE effects of legalizing Cannabis it is the misinformation that flares up in mainstream owned by tobacco and liqor industries and more importantly LEGAL drug companies, which stand to lose a lot if and when Cannabis is freely available...
As you can see I get worked up whenever I see how handicapped our so called FREEDOM really is when we go to exercise it!
Good work Krnel, like always, upvoted.
Just to inform you that we don't have longer term research extensive enough to know the long term 40 years + effects of smoking marijuana but we do for tobacco. So I would cation you to not make the claim that it is only better than tobacco even though preliminary research shows that it has better medicinal effects.
Yes - think why?
Cannabis has been in use longer than Tobacco - reason Big Cs dont invest in it because it is not addictive!
And it's not just Booze Inc. and Big Pharma that would suffer, if industrial hemp was allowed to be grown like corn is it would revolutionize the economy in many ways.
This would also threaten ALL the big industries like oil, textiles and so on.
Something the old money status quo will not let happen without a fight.
Thanks, good points. Alcohol is the devil's juice ;)