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RE: Drug War Stupidity: Cannabis Potency Hysteria

in #cannabis7 years ago

mh, a filled page with actual content thats not made up out of 50% banners, curlies, @someone-tags and what not is somewhat hard to come by, one thats actually written in self-written language even harder to come by than a post that doesnt go "thisbot upvoted you for 0.2% vp holding up the network by itself casting 200 votes a day that net nothing of worth" lol

as for the article @artisticscreech , i'm not at home in the american moral majority rhetoric but i can think its probably close to the same ... "dreughs is baed" you would get everywhere ... here, for a country that sells beer on every corner from 16 years up you'd think they wouldnt stop a kid with a joint, alas police is left in a grey zone so in a small town like this the kid will get a perma-stain on his record for toking a few puffs when caught while 25km further in ghent or brussels the cops are too busy with actual crime and violence they wont even bother to stop if someone sits smoking on the side of the road so to speak.
That said id like to say i do believe the balance of THC/CBD is a critical factor in causing psychosis for people who smoke too much and for kids who start to young ... which doesnt mean it will, but the statistical chance that it could increases, those are the numbers i know. And i think its the same for anyone who ab-uses , not uses any psychoactive substance (that includes alcohol, and im not a muslim btw, if anything id be a polytheist agnostic who doesnt believe in gods who care but until i see one the box is closed and its Schroedingers problem wether they exist or not, the sheer fact that it has not been proven however is not enough for my chemical scumness to assume it isnt there)

and here i go off-topic again ... which euhm where was i ?

is what any politician or lobby would do on either side of any debate : lift then numbers from a statistic out of context and use half a sentence from "an expert" here and half another there to get a collage that spells exactly what they've been proclaiming.
This kind of ping pong, i do agree gets no one anywhere . I probably already said i have smoked for about 14 years myself, daily, and i have known many peope who have smoked since and still are, working people, daddies and mommies who probably are telling their kids not to before they put them to bed right now ...

the only problem is ab-use and irresponsiblity and the biggest enemies are fear and ignorance

the usual i guess ... same old song on the radio , the radio might be an iThing with a brandnew skin but it plays the same song

over and over


now then, before i banner out the meaning of the words ... this is the steemit part i like best, fact that im not making a thousand every month hasnt bothered me so far. The only thing that has was people telling me what i couldnt post and say in the beginning but they back off in the end :D

bubble universes and diverse opinion, perspective and point of view and topics and content hard to find on fudbook hahah

see you around


Thank you. And thanks for respondind with something interesting as always.

I agree that abuse can be a problem for the individual but I believe that the freedom of everyone in society outweighs the problem of an individual.

The truth is, any kind of freedom bares some danger with it but the question is whether we believe that danger is a fair price for it. If, for example, all speech is ok then a person may say something stupid and make an outcast of himself but protecting him is not a valid reason to limit your speech or mine. Judging from what your page says I suspect we would largely agree on these types of issues. In my mind, freedom has more value than safety and as a result my own ethical/moral code requires me to oppose any trasspass against that freedom.