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RE: 420 bread! Yes!

in #cannabis6 years ago

But it is ok to force rape and murder on animals tho right.. i am not the viilent one i am the one who stop eating animals because they are not food. I will continue yo speak for the voiceless till the day humans stop raping cows for milk or murdering helpless beings in slaughter houses and farms.

I will alwats speak my mind when it comes to peope saying we need to eat animal's.

As for a vegan diet it is cheaper if uou learn to eat right. Instead that beef flesh have a can of beans in your taco.
Instead having chicken in your wrap have lentil or many many other things.

But agian have you educated your self by watching the movies on factory farming or slaughter houses?

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All of this over bread dude. Over bread. If you cant see your hostile actions that are leading to other peoples hostile actions than your just as blind as others around you who eat meat. I think we should be eating food from a farm and being connected to that farm. So I'm assuming you can eat organic food that you grow yourself or from a farm and that's your whole diet? Because I think you would be more concerned about people in their food source and how polluted it is then some aggressive standpoint in life where you are telling people what they need to buy from the store. I'm saying that they shouldn't buy food from the store. Are you buying food from the store? Do you know how many chemicals and pesticides are contaminants are in it? Are you aware of apples that no matter how organic they are there pesticides on them? How about just arsenic alone? I say the argument could be made that the corporations are the ones killing and raping people way before an individual who eats meat does. Hows the arsenic going for ya?

I comment that it was great the bread was vegan... he started on me for the comment so yes i didn't make my point

Do you know any thing that goes on in the dairy rape and murder.

I try always to buy organic and gtow my own..
I get we all don't have them means but it is easyier to get a can vegetable then to get beef...

I am telling people they dont need to feed in to any industry that rapes animal's

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Im glad you finally mentioned the 'industry' dude you are talking to a guy who has done both as a kid my family in Nevada raised cows conventionally and slaughter them and sold them to the stores. With that being said I made the choice later on in life to also work on a organic family dairy farm that used Jersey cows cuz it had the A2 gene. They would have to pull the cow tail hair and send it to Switzerland just to test for that Gene. That farm struggled financially to feed their cows humanely and the chickens and the meat birds that they had. We humanely raised them we would help cure people of cancer with the milk even.

so you have worked with the dairy indistuy that kills and rapes. so it is ok for a mother cow to be raped by a human to be pregnated for it's milk and after it gives birth the calf is taken to be killed if it a male or a female gets to go throw the same thing it's mother went thew.

"he meat birds" birds are not for meat

please explain humanely to me.. humanely was used by the food indistry to brainwash people to think what happens to animal's is humain.

so please tell me what is so great about this LymcpnbIVPuTAjh800x450noPad.jpg


As for oragnic i worked for a farmer and in canada land is tested before it can be organic.

Also it is a slow start if we all atop eating animals we end a huge industry built on rape murder and torture of animal's.

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