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RE: Cannabis Bees

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

A funny idea that many have proposed.
Not reality-based though.
For one thing, cannabis isn't pollinated by bees, but by wind.
It doesn't create nectar, which bees require to make honey. Cannabis only creates pollen (for wind pollination). Only flowers that create nectar (to attract insects) can be used for making honey. Also note that cannabis pollen contains no cannabinoids.
It's funny that I see posts suggesting "canna honey!" every few months. Nobody bothers to do a quick search and realize it makes absolutely no sense.
Sure, you can make infused honey. But you can make infused EVERYTHING. It has nothing to do with bees. :)


I guess you didn't read the article....

"Neither hemp nor the other strains of the Cannabis sativa species grown for recreational or medicinal uses offer insects any nectar, and all rely on wind to spread pollen. Still, a wide variety of bees showed up in two experimental hemp plots during a one-month trapping survey by entomology student Colton O’Brien of Colorado State University in Fort Collins."