420 at 4:20 | Cannabis Round-Up #1

in #cannabis8 years ago

It's 4:20 Somewhere! The #Cannabis World in Review on Steemit

Who's not fascinated by the growth, use, and enjoyment of this miracle herb? The more I learn, the more I feel like cannabis is just as all-powerful as Windex.

Got a Problem? Use Cannabis On It.

420 at 4:20
Photo Credit: Herb.co

Steemit is now my info-grazing buffet, and I figured you might also be interested in seeing what's new or interesting here. Here are the top four posts that grabbed my attention:

Munchies Built Right In

California chef who's cooking up dishes that'll give foodies a whole new kind of buzz. Chef Chris Savegh's creations may cause and cure the munchies all at the same time. THIS is a cooking show I could get into.Way beyond the brownie, @doitvoluntarily highlights a

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Step-By-Step Guid to Rolling

easy-to-follow guide to rolling the perfect joint. Not as much spit as you might think.Newcomer @lapants has laid out an

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A New Take on Old MacDonald

growing hemp caught my eye.Living in a yet-to-legalize state, I'm purely in the research stages to prepare for becoming a farmer. With that, this piece by @sapperman82 about his ramp-up with

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White Widow on the Grow

feminized seeds of this happy, relaxed creativity-boosting strain would be worth the added expense.A bit of a rough read, but the images alone make this piece by @darkunicorn worth checking out. If you're thinking of growing, getting

You can learn more about this very nice strain on Leafly.

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You can eat it, you can grow it, you can smoke it, and now you can turn it into tiny little trees, Bonsai-style. Just follow @bitminter to find out how.

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Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It

Got some bud news or see a Steemit piece on cannabis that you really like? Don't Bogart it! Add it in the comments!

Oh yes! I got the idea for doing a round-up post from a couple of Steemit users who are bringing tremendous value to the community. One is @sirwinchester and the other is @cryptogee.

If you like this post...
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Has anyone seen those real weed trees that you can buy and just pick the nugs off?

That sounds pretty cool! One harvest or would they magically keep growing?

One of my dealers as a teen literally did spray windex on his shit... Lol ugh so gross.

OH NO. That's just awful. Weed Is the Windex of the World's Aches and Pains :)

White widow and white rhino is my fav, been kinda rare lately...perfect for bonsai gardens too