Dear Mr.President, Concerning Cannabis, opiods..

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Preface: In this letter, I have choosen to intertwine cannabis and opiods with the purpose of showing both ends of a spectrum that might have answers for both.

Dear Mr.President,

I just heard with my own doubting ears, that it sounds like Jeff Sessions is again reviewing the old movie reel, "Reffer Maddness" in his own mind, proliferating the foolish probabtion fears that the late Robber Barrons did of old, except of course he is the A.G of this country at the moment.

Could you please remind him this is not 1937, and cannabis consuming Americans, (upwards of 55 to 67 million of us know) that it is, in fact, 2018.

Now he has the right to speak his mind about what he thinks about cannabis consumers, like any other American. Yet his rationality seems to be very retro, and I mean that,not in a good way.
This kind of retro is politically out of fashion, way out of fashion.

For instance, he has been quoted as saying " good people dont smoke mary-wanna" with that gentlemanly southern Alabama twang, (which I actually adore.)

He has a right to say that, and many other misinformed statements he has made about the subject, yet all the while, the hard core scientific evidence is leaning towards a possible solution to the massive opioid crisis , that govermental actions and big pharma have seem to instagate, and it looks like cannabis could be the answer to the horrible withdrawal symptoms to this
addiction epidemic.

President Trump, it was you
that said that the number of pharmaceutically addicted people in this country is simply staggering and used these facts as a powerful campaign issue. You seemed to have a real heart about the millions of Americans that are addicted to opioid's, and you said something should, and will be done with a empathetic tone. Many hopeful American families believed you.

Gateway to where?

Mr. President, now I have a chance to use this word and phrase in its proper context:

Big Pharma is the gateway to addiction and opiate ruined lives.

YaY! I feel better now!

Mr. President, that gateway metaphor used by the anti-cannabis crowd, is really a gateway to a personal opiod hell, for many, making the patient in pain, that cannot be prescribed more medication because as you understand, their body builds up a tolerance, and have no choice but to go through the big phrama gateway to black market illegal opiates.
Or worse, end up at the Federal Drug Dealers door, meaning the failed Methadone clinics across the Nation that have distributed another more insidious addicting drug, but thats another nightmare for another letter.

Further down the Gateway

Maybe then they get arrested, incarcerated in the Massive U.S Industrial Penal Coloney, sitting next to the guy that just got popped for being in possession of a mere gram of weed, now facing each other in the holding pen, both with a bewildered look, as real violent offenders hedge their bets on these two fresh newbies.

But this is just another happy day for U.S Penal Colony Stock Investers ringing up a other 50k of taxpayer dollars to house, clothe, and feed each inmate a year.

So I ask you, President Trump to please Sir, call off your mighty pot hating Alabama Bulldog!

I myself have nothing personal against the Attorney General, and his intentions may be pure...but absolutely

This is just an opinion Mr. President, but could it be because Mr Sessions recused himself at the confirmation hearings, and has had really nothing to do, but to reopen this can of very old stinky dried up worms again, and win the sympathies of big Pharma and the DEA?

A heart for an epidemic

Mr.President, on the Campaign Trail, you said that
you have heard of promising
things that personal friends have been saying about the medical uses for treating PTSD and many other problematic issues, such as pain relief, seizures in children, etc. Otherwise, they have to be given expensive pharmaceuticals that impair them in some other way, because of side effects,
or just dont work, sometimes leading to addiction or even death.

Our hurting Veterans

I know you have thought about all the Veterans that suffer from PTSD and are addicted to opiates, because the Country they have bravely served and bled for, has a Veterans Administration that will cut off a veterans opiodes or any other meds, if they are found to be using Cannabis, because of U.S drug policy.

President Trump, it is time to do something radical about the Federal cannabis laws, and drug laws in this country, to stop the crimialization of good people that have been severly marginalized , that in fact, many of which are your supporters from all walks of life!

The Great Green Pardon

President Trump, I ask you as the top Excutive Officer of these United States to radically change the law and force Congress to act on behalf of the people.
If need be, use your Executive Order Powers... for goodness sake!

Mr. President, the prisons, as you know, are full of non-violent drug offenders, that in the wake of their arrests, are numerous, untold stories of financially broken homes, outragous seizures of property, and children without their parents, thrown to the wolves of the Foster Care Programs.
It is so sad to see this kind of devestation on a scale that is mind boggling.

With your powerful signature you can retro-actively pardon all non- violent drug offenders and free them all. You would be lauded and loved by millions.
Because you did the right thing.
(your overall appoval rating would have to move up quite a bit dont ya think;)

Studies and research have come out, approaching now decades, that verify the medical use, the remission or out right cure of many forms of cancers and other diseases, including Alzheimers, and Parkinson's.

The Attorney General's statements and actions about this subject now is considered by at least 29 states plus D.C, as a kind of swampy medieval Rhetoric, that is archaic, and now fringing on the edge of historical insanity.

This kind of old thinking harkens me back to the days when there were shelters for abused and neglected animals , but not a one found for abused, homeless women and children before the Sufferage Movement, which is horrifing.

This must change, the people have spoken and are speaking in more States. Yet Mr Sessions and the U.S Congress are not really hearing a vast majority of American voters, in more than half the States!

These proud Americans want their states rights to be upheld. Futhermore, these laws should be protected by the Federal Government, not re-criminalized again, reviving the Nixioanian Drug War that has been proven through the years to be a cataclysmic disaster.

You, Mr.President have complete command of the United States Marines.
Strangely, many sources have reported this great fighting force is guarding the vast poppy feilds in Afghanistan?
Do you Sir, have the power to use that powerful protective defensive force to guard peaceful Medical dispeseries and cannabis growers that millions of Americans depend on everyday?

(I realized that might throw a
Legal wrench into the Posse Comitatus Act, its just an analogy, I hope you see the bigger point.)

Law and Re-order

Many people have referred to you as the Law and Order President and you have spoken for the respect of the Law.
And we as the 29 states that have past some form of cannabis de-criminalization want to believe you and be respected as well.
Will you stand by this promise, like you have others?
Will we see in your Presidency, all the States that have worked to see the day when innocent folks are not harassed, arrested, S.W.A.T-ed, and ridiculous property seizure for this life giving plant finally end??

An old Comparison..yet still relevant

This amazing plant, as you know Mr President, comes no where near to what legal alcohol and its abuse has done to millions of American families, including yours and mine.

In closing, I know you are a deal maker and a man of tremendous Business acumen, which would suggest you see the bigger picture on this subject. You know that the Pharmaceutical lobby and
and the Prison Industrial Complex and their minons have owned Congress for a while,(some really ugly swamp creatures) they are in, large part responsible for the continued ruination of this great Country, simply because of greed, power and capitalized averous.


I understand there are issues I have not covered that are legitimate arguments concerning children, criminal gangs etc, that are practical matters and can eventually be worked out.You know Mr. President this can not stand, and still hold to your promise of #MAGA.

President Trump, this must be worked out and fast, this country is drowning in opiate addiction, and Americans are being locked in jail for a classifed weed, and the Chief law enforcement officer of this great land still sees cannabis users as no good dirty hippies?
With multi-billion dollar tax revenue stream, for the States and the Feds?

Unlike you Mr.President, It seems Mr.Sessions needs a little schooling on street smart business. You are the Jobs President, does not the
A.G know how many jobs that the cannabis industry has created since Cali-prop 215 till now? Really?

I hope this letter gets to you somehow, someway.
We are a large and quickly growing voting block of both liberal, conservative, and independent voters.

The one good thing that has come out of Mr. Sessions canceling President Obama's directive, is that it has made strange political bed fellows that were once somewhat unthinkable before, get real cozy...Thank you for that Mr.Sessions.

Mr.President, I dont have a particular political label when it comes to common sense issues like this, and I don't think you do either.
So do it, Mr.President, do the right and only thing,
as you have said... for all the forgotten Americans.

To me Mr. President, That's genius, Real genius.

Most Sincerely,
Lynn Starkey

Fellow Steemians, please feel free to reSteem!
Thank you


Great post 👌

Im so glad you read it!

hi i like psting you

Hey Sorry I didn't see your reply to my post. Yes keep post my stuff if you like.

The saddest part is that the states where the epidemic is the worst are mostly states that voted for him.

Hell, a lot of the addicts themselves voted for him, because they don’t consider themselves addicts.

How can you be an addict when you(at least originally) were prescribed your medicine, and don’t use “street drugs?”

He’s failing his own base and he doesn’t even know it.


Thax for your comment, I cant imagine this is going to go well, the net is on fire with this subject.
Thats the good thing that is comming out about this.

Hopefully the end result is impeachment.

But getting Jeff Sessions out would be a good step.