Limonene is My Favorite
The lemon strains are always better for my head than non-lemon strains. Very, very, useful terpene. :) Awesome for my wife as well.
Thanks for breaking that down for folks, it definitely can be confusing. :)
Oh... Keep in mind folks...
is not a smell you want from cannabis. Cannabis has some earthy flavors but earthy smell comes from various types of fungi(molds). Fungi is what makes rich earth smell earthy :)
Yeah, maybe that was a poor choice of descriptive word. That was the word they used in the leafly article I cited, but like I said, they're hard to describe, but easier to experience.
Luckily, everything I purchase or smoke has been lab tested for contaminants. Usually, if anything is funky at any level, I would be able to smell it. My nose never ceases to amaze me.
Myrcene is actually my favorite and the most effective for me. I do enjoy most citrus strains as well.
Thanks for reading and commenting! I look forward to learning more about terpenes and sharing my findings with the Steemit community.
You're Most welcome
You post some interesting stuff and I appreciate it. The earthy comment was for people in general. I've been handed many a bag or jar for smelling and had people comment on how earthy it smells. Well, to me it's a turnoff lol Cannabis is super absorbent and will retain the smells of where it's growing. I've rather retentive about how I grow my own. ;)
Keep posting this stuff. I know people can use the information. I know I enjoy it. BTW, I live about 4hrs away in Cahone and may stop in sometime in the spring. :) Glad you're enjoying what you do, it's important in life. :D
You're Most welcome
You post some interesting stuff and I appreciate it. I live about 4hrs away in Cahone and may stop in sometime in the spring. :) Glad you're enjoying what you do, it's important in life. :D