Yes, seeing the nanner usually means there are other male flowers in there. Not all of them will grow large enough to poke out and be seen, they will still open and drop pollen.
Look for darkened pistils. The white pistils turn brown when they're touched by pollen and begin creating a seed.
I prefer fully developed seeds, as they're easier to remove than the tiny immature ones. Here's hoping you're just fine. :) If not, it'll only be a bit harsher, nothing terribly health destroying. :D
Thanks. I'm gonna go with the plant just stressed a bit bc I let it get too hot, and she just freaked out for a second but is okay now. Cause like the one I saw, was not even "poking out," it was inside a bud I kind of opened and looked in. But I guess we shall see... :)
Thanks again for your help!
Heat is a common trigger, yes. ;)
Some other triggers are: